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A set of documented functions for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems.

Results 243 pvlib-python issues
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**Describe the bug** ```gti_dirint()``` calculates a few things internally that are either not quite right or inconvenient. 1. ```airmas``` is pressure-adjusted for use in DIRINT, but Perez transposition actually needs...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** During the pvlib user session at PVPMC Europe, someone asked for more explanation regarding the different angles that are used...


This is not so much a _Feature Request_, rather a conversation opener. I have written a `cython` implementation of the NREL SPA that was heavily influenced by the `pvlib.spa.solar_position_numpy` and...

I'm playing with FixedMount array model and trying to optimize tilt and azimuth. It should be a standard task and the results should be predictable. I expect to have the...

help wanted
good first issue

**Describe the bug** Currently `pvlib.irradiance.poa_horizontal_ratio` is untested according to codecov **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to https://app.codecov.io/gh/pvlib/pvlib-python/blob/main/pvlib/irradiance.py#L259 **Expected behavior** 100% test coverage **Screenshots** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1385621/224845991-8b9f4068-8572-4d2c-97be-cf2970ece077.png) **Versions:** -...

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good first issue

Hi, I believe that I have found a bug or at least a misalignment between a formula that was written in a publication and the result of a pvlib method....

help wanted

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I have been trying to compare soiling model methods and was hoping to include cementation effects where a rain event...

There have been several efforts to improve pv performance modeling using spectral data. PVlib has already incorporated some of these improvements. I'd like to explore going one step further to...

It seems that PVSystem chooses some temperature model parameters if they are not specified (None) when defining a PVSystem. However, this doesn't seem very clear from the docstring. https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python/blob/eb7b34aa1131782e74119c91f7f1aadf3fdbe19f/pvlib/pvsystem.py#L154-L156 I...

### Problem As described in #968 `singlediode.bishop88_i_from_v()` and `singlediode.bishop88_v_from_i()` can be very slow using how `method=brentq` ### Solution Scipy made changes to access Brent using Cython which can be compiled...
