Fatih Kalifa
Fatih Kalifa
When template changes, compare both style and content. If style is the only one changed, we can just update `adoptedStyleSheet`, without re-rendering the components and vice versa
This new update should solve most underlying problem when extending slack-robot outside basic message handling, like events, custom response handler. Here's the changes needed in core: - **Expose RTM and...
Now that slack-client v2.0.1 is out, we can drop v2 beta
Each listener will have specific configuration, for example concurrency So some listener can have serial response, while the others can have parallel response without changing global concurrency option. Example: ```...
Somehow bot keep receiving random message from random channel and (possibly) handling them, we need to filter them **Update**: this only happen for any events other than `message`: events like...
I forgot why `res.async(cb)` didn't call `res.send()` automatically and instead we have to use `res.async(cb).send()`
Achieved using `robot.when(EVENT_TYPE, value, callback)`, which translates to `robot.when('reaction_added', '+1', function (req, res) { });` Need proper docs though
ACL behaves similar to middleware in express ``` js robot.listen('message', function (req, res) { // do something return res.text('Yo').send() }) .acl(function (req, res, next) { // check for condition if...