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Some Ansible plays & roles to install Rancher and Kubernetes Cluster

Ansible Playbooks and Roles for Rancher

Disclaimer!: We use this as a base for our own and customer setup at puzzle. Heavy work in progress and a lot of things that can be improved. Feel free to contribute. We are happy to assist.

These Ansible playbook and roles can be used to:


We recommend you to run this playbooks inside a pipenv.

All dependencies are managed using pipenv, to get a virtual environment use:

# Only if you don't have pipenv yet:
pip install --user pipenv

Switch to the virtual environment and install dependencies into:

pipenv shell --three
pipenv install
# Now you can run ansible-playbook commands inside this pipenv shell:
ansible-playbook ...

You can verify the installed dependencies using pipenv graph (inside the pipenv shell):

$ pipenv graph
  - cryptography [required: Any, installed: 3.2]
  <--- output truncated --->
  - PyYAML [required: Any, installed: 5.3.1]
  - jinja2 [required: Any, installed: 2.11.2]
    - MarkupSafe [required: >=0.23, installed: 1.1.1]
  - kubernetes [required: ~=11.0.0, installed: 11.0.0]
    - certifi [required: >=14.05.14, installed: 2020.6.20]
  <--- output truncated --->
  - six [required: Any, installed: 1.15.0]
  - distro [required: >=1.3.0, installed: 1.5.0]
  - setuptools [required: >=39.0, installed: 50.3.2]


Check inventories/site for a sample inventory.

There are two special ansible groups:

  • rke_rancher_clusters: Hosts in this group represent a Rancher Control Plane instance
  • custom_k8s_clusters: Hosts in this group represent a custom kubernetes cluster added to a Rancher Control Plane

Members (Nodes) of the Rancher Control Plane and the Kubernetes cluster are managed with the following ansible groups.

Rancher Control Plane

For Rancher Control Plane: Assuming we have a Rancher Control Plane with the name cluster_rancher, we create the cluster_rancher host to the rke_rancher_clusters group and then add all nodes for this to the group rke_cluster_rancher, so the Rancher Control Plane name with a rke_ prefix.

cluster_rancher # Belongs to Ansible Group rke_cluster_rancher


Make sure to set at least the following vars:

  • For the cluster_rancher special host, you have to set rancher_hostname, rancher_admin_password and rancher_failover_ip with its sub-configurations (see roles/rke_rancher_clusters/ for more information). Check inventories/host_vars/cluster_rancher.yml and roles/rke_rancher_clusters/defaults/main.yml for more details.
  • Set the k8s_roles each of the member should have (for a Rancher Control Plane this is normally controlplane, etcd, worker). See inventories/group_vars/rke_cluster_rancher.yml as an example.

Custom Kubernetes Cluster

For a custom Kubernetes cluster managed with a Rancher Control Plane: Assuming our cluster has the name mycluster we create a host rancher_mycluster in the custom_k8s_clusters group (so cluster name with a rancher_ prefix). The member nodes of this cluster are then added to a group with the name mycluster. To use some dedicated roles on some nodes you can use other ansible groups which are children of the mycluster group.





Make sure to set at least the following vars:

  • For the ranchr_mycluster special host you have to set at least the custom_k8s_cluster_api_key & custom_k8s_cluster_rancher_host variable. Check roles/custom_k8s_cluster/defaults/main.yml for more details and variables.
  • Set the k8s_roles each member should have. See inventories/group_vars/mycluster_master.yml and inventories/group_vars/mycluster_worker.yml as an example.



Playbook to apply docker, firewalld, rke_rancher_clusters & custom_rk8s_cluster. Check plays/prepare_k8s_nodes.yml, plays/deploy_rancher.yml & plays/deploy_k8s_cluster.yml for details.


With this playbook to can cleanup a node which was already added to a kubernetes cluster. Based on



Simple role to install Docker. Check roles/docker/ for more details.


The role only configures firewalld depending on the k8s_role the node has (this behaviour can also be disabled if you want to). Based on


Role to deploy a Rancher Control Plane with rke and helm. Check roles/rke_rancher_clusters/ for more details.


Role to create a custom Kubernetes cluster on a Rancher Control Plane and add nodes to the cluster. Check roles/custom_k8s_cluster/ for more details.


Role to deploy keepalived Daemonsets on Rancher Control Plane and custom Kubernetes clusters. Provides one or multiple highly available virtual IPv4/IPv6 address(es) to the regarding cluster. Usually directly called from rke_rancher_clusters and custom_rk8s_cluster.



Author Information

  • Sebastian Plattner
  • Philip Schmid