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Awesome Laravel
A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem.
Table of Contents
- Official Documentation
- Code Snippets
- Packages
- Popular Packages
- Development Setup
- Application Hosting
- Application Deployment
- Articles, Tutorials, Blogs, etc.
- Videos
- Conferences
- Books
- Starter Projects
- Codebases for Reference
- Content Management Systems
- Newsletters
- Podcasts
- Community
- Jobs
- Hosted Development Tools
- Miscellaneous
Official Documentation
- Laravel
- Laravel Documentation
- Laravel API Reference
- Lumen
- Lumen Documentation
- Laracasts
- Laravel News
Code Snippets
Popular Packages
Coming Soon.
Developer Tools
- Laravel API/Scaffold/CRUD Generator - Generator for APIs, CRUD scaffolds etc.
- Scaffold Interface - A Smart CRUD Generator For Laravel
- IDE Helper - Generates a helper file for IDE auto-completion
- Laravel 5 Extended Generators (Support Laravel 9) - Extends built-in file generators
- Laravel TestTools - Chrome extension to generate Laravel integration tests while using your app.
- Tool for Creating Laravel Package - A CLI tool for creating Laravel packages
- Laravel Packager - A repository template for creating Laravel packages
- Workbench Export to Migrations - Workbench plugin for exporting Models to Laravel migrations
- Laravel Decomposer - List all installed packages, their dependencies, app & server details
Debugging & Profiling
- Telescope - An elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework.
- Clockwork - Integrates Clockwork Chrome extension for debugging and profiling apps
- Debug Bar - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Laravel
- Laravel Log Viewer - Log viewer
- LogViewer - Provides a log viewer for Laravel Application
- LERN - LERN is a Laravel package that will record exceptions into a database and will send you a notification
- Mail Preview - Preview sent mail in a web browser or mail client
- Laravel Tracy - A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger
Authentication & Authorization
- Laravel Permission - Associate users with roles and permissions
- Socialite Providers 2.0 - 100+ social authentication providers for Socialite with Lumen support
- Socialite - OAuth authentication with Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.
- Bouncer - Roles & Permissions
- Laratrust - Roles, Permissions and teams
- JWT Auth - JSON Web Token authentication for APIs
- Defender - Roles & Permissions
- Sentinel - Framework agnostic authentication & authorization system
- Laravel User Verification - Handle the user verification flow and validate email
- Adldap2 Laravel - LDAP authentication and Active Directory management
- Doorman - Limit access to your Laravel applications by using invite codes.
- Artisan View - Manage the views in Laravel projects via artisan.
- Captcha - Captcha for Laravel - An anti-bot image captcha system.
- Charts - Multi-library chart package to create interactive charts.
- Eloquent Filter - An Eloquent Way To Filter Laravel Models And Their Relationships
- Eloquent Sluggable - Create slugs for Eloquent models
- Eloquent Sortable - Sortable behaviour for Eloquent models
- Presenter - Presenter for Models
- HTML - HTML and Form Builders for Laravel
- Hyn/multi-tenant - Flexible multi tenancy with secure separation of a.o. routes, assets and databases
- Laravel form builder - Form builder for Laravel 5 inspired by Symfony's form builder.
- Intervention Image - Image handling library for creating, editing and composing images
- Laravel Activitylog - Log activity inside your Laravel app
- Laravel Auditing - Audit for Eloquent models
- Laravel Blade Javascript - A Blade directive to export variables to JavaScript
- Laravel Collection Macros - A set of handy collection macros
- Laravel Cookie Consent - Make your Laravel app comply with the crazy EU cookie law
- Laravel Datatables - jQuery DataTables API for Laravel 4|5
- Laravel Dot Env Generator - Generate .env.gen file based on the project source code
- Laravel Excel - Import and export Excel and CSV files
- Laravel Failed Job Monitor - Get notified when a queued job fails
- Laravel GeoIP - Determine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses
- Laravel Glide - Easily convert images with Glide
- Laravel Hashids - Generate unique, non-sequential ids using Hashids
- Laravel Impersonate - A package to authenticate as one of your users
- Laravel Markdown - CommonMark markdown parser
- Laravel MediaLibrary - Associate files with Eloquent models
- Laravel Menu - Html menu generator for Laravel
- Laravel Talk - Realtime User messaging system
- Laravel Messenger - User messaging system
- Laravel Moderation - A simple Moderation System for Laravel 5.* that allows you to Approve or Reject resources like posts, comments, users, etc.
- Laravel Pjax - A pjax middleware for Laravel
- Laravel Responsecache - Speed up a Laravel app by caching the entire response
- Laravel Snappy - HTML to PDF generator using wkhtmltopdf
- Laravel DOMPDF - HTML to PDF generator using dompdf
- Laravel Tail - The missing tail command
- Laravel Tags - Add tags and taggable behaviour to your Laravel app
- Laravel Uptime Monitor - A powerful and easy to configure uptime and ssl monitor
- Laravel Stats Tracker - Gather information from requests to identify and store
- noCAPTCHA - Helper for Google's new noCAPTCHA (reCAPTCHA)
- Purifier - HTMLPurifier for Laravel 5 - HTML filter
- Revisionable - Create a revision history for Eloquent models
- SEOTools - Helpers for some common SEO techniques
- Laravel Setting - Persistent configuration settings that are stored in JSON files
- Teamwork - User to team associations with an invite system
- Validating - Trait for validating Eloquent models
- VAT Calculator - Handle all the hard stuff related to EU MOSS vat regulations
- Laravel Uuid - Laravel package to generate a UUID according to the RFC 4122 standard
- Laravel Installer - Laravel package to allow users to install your application just by following the setup wizard, like WordPress
- Laravel-modules - Easy Module Management In Laravel
- Laravel Phone - Phone number validator and formatter.
- Laravel Ban - Laravel Ban simplify blocking and banning Eloquent models.
- Laravel Proxy - Laravel Proxy Package for handling sessions when behind load balancers or other intermediaries.
Working with Javascript
- Build Single Page without API - Build single-page apps, without building an API.
- Laroute - Generate Laravel route URLs from JavaScript
- PHP Vars to JavaScript Transformer - Pass server-side string/array/collection/whatever to JavaScript
- Javascript Validation - Use validation rules, messages, FormRequest and validators to validate forms in client side without need to write any Javascript code
Databases, ORMs, Migrations & Seeding
- Backup Manager - Backup and restore databases from S3, Dropbox, SFTP etc.
- Laravel Nestedset - Nested Sets pattern implementation
- ClosureTable - Closure table pattern implementation
- Eloquence - Extra features for Eloquent models
- iSeed - Generate a new seed file from an existing database table
- Laravel OCI8 - Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4|5 via OCI8
- Laravel Backup - Backup your app
- Laravel Doctrine - Doctrine 2 ORM implementation
- Laravel MongoDB - Eloquent model and query builder with support for MongoDB
- Sofa/Eloquence - Extensions for the Eloquent ORM
- Tenanti - Multi-tenant database schema manager
- Laravel Repository - Repositories to abstract the database layer for Laravel 5
- Algolia Search - Integrates the Algolia Search API to the Laravel Eloquent ORM
- Elasticquent - Elasticsearch for Eloquent models
- Plastic - Fluently mapping and searching Elasticsearch
- SearchIndex - Store and retrieve objects from Algolia or Elasticsearch
- TNTSearch - A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP
- ApiGuard - Allow API authentication with API keys
- Dingo API - Multi-purpose toolkit for developing RESTful APIs
- Laravel CORS - Add CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support
- Laravel Fractal - Output complex, flexible, AJAX/RESTful data structures with Fractal in Laravel and Lumen
Tasks, Commands and Scheduling
- Mix - Laravel Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining basic webpack build steps for your Laravel application. Mix supports several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors.
- Envoy - SSH Task Runner
- Cashier - Subscription billing with Stripe
- Omnipay for Laravel - Integrate the Omnipay PHP library
- Intervention Image Cache - Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
- Laravel HTMLMin - Blade/HTML/CSS/javascript minifier
- Rememberable - Query caching for Laravel 5 (eloquent)
- Widgetize - Page Partial caching for Laravel 5
- Widgets for Laravel - A powerful alternative to view composers. Asynchronous widgets, reloadable widgets, console generator, caching - everything you can think of.
- Language Files - Validation, Pagination and Reminders language lines in 37 languages
- Laravel Localization - Add i18n support via routes
- Laravel Translatable - Making Eloquent models translatable by storing translations as JSON.
- Laravel Translator - Translate Eloquent models into multiple languages
- Laravel Date - A library to help you work with dates in multiple languages, based on Carbon
Third-party Service Integration
- Laravel Analytics - An opinionated Laravel 5 package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics
- Laravel DigitalOcean - DigitalOceanV2 bridge
- Laravel Dropbox - A Laravel package for working with Dropbox v2 API.
- Laravel Facebook Graph SDK - Facebook API bridge
- Laravel GitHub - PHP GitHub API bridge
- Laravel GitLab - GitLab API bridge
- Laravel Googletagmanager - Easily setup and send data to Google Tag Manager
- Laravel Instagram - Instagram API bridge
- Laravel Newsletter - Send newsletters with Mailchimp
- Laravel Vimeo - Vimeo API bridge
Development Setup
- Homestead - Official Vagrant box for Laravel
- Valet - Development environment for Mac users
- Laravel Sail - Laravel Sail is a light-weight command-line interface for interacting with Laravel's default Docker development environment.
- LaraDock - Run Laravel on Docker (Like Homestead but for Docker instead of Vagrant)
- Laragon - Isolated development environment on Windows
- Stacker - The environment for local web development on Docker.
Application Hosting
- Forge
- FortRabbit (Video)
- Heroku (Tutorial)
- IBM BlueMix (Tutorial)
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Tutorial)
- Cloudways
Application Deployment
- Envoyer - Zero down-time Deployer for PHP & Laravel projects
- Deployments with Envoyer (Laracasts)
Articles, Tutorials, Blogs etc.
- Laravel News
- Tuts+
- Medium
- Taylor Otwell
- Digital Ocean
- Matt Stauffer
- Creative Punch
- Ryan Tablada
- Mohamed Said
- Mohammad Gufran
- Laravel Tips
- Codingo Tuts
- Laravel Daily
- Freek Van der Herten
- Laracasts
- Bitfumes
- Codecourse (YouTube)
- Tuts+
- Treehouse
- DevDojo
- Amitav Roy
- Lynda
- Pluralsight
- Laracademy
- Dev Marketer
Starter Projects
- LaraAdmin
- Laracogs
- Backpack for Laravel
- Starter Someline
- Laravel-admin
- Voyager
- Orchid
- Laravel REST API Boilerplate
- Hello API
- Laravel Zero - Console application
Codebases for Reference
- 92Five - Project management application
- Cachet - Status page system for websites and APIs
- Deployer - Application deployment system
- GitScrum - Task management of the day-to-day. Git + Scrum = Team More Productive
- Invoice Ninja - Invoicing, expenses, & time-tracking application
- Koel - Personal music streaming server
- Laravel Tricks - Source for the Laravel Tricks website
- - Source for the Community Portal
- Flarum - Delightfully simple forum
- Attendize - Ticket selling and event management platform
- Jigsaw - Static site generator
- Canvas - Minimal Blogging Application For Developers.
- Screeenly - Create website screenshots through an API
- Voten - A real-time social bookmarking for the 21st century
Content Management Systems
- Laracasts Forum
- Forum
- Larachat Slack (Signup)
- Gitter
- IRC Channel
- StackOverflow
- Laraveles Slack (Signup)
- Laravel UK, Slack Signup
Local User Groups
- Laravel Russia (VK group)
- Laravel France
- Laravel Indonesia (Facebook group)
- Laravel Turkey (Facebook group)
- Laravel Nigeria (Facebook group)
- All Meetups
- London Meetup
- Buenos Aires, Argentina Meetup
- Morocco Meetup
- Athens-Greece Meetup
- Copenhagen Meetup
- Detroit Meetup
- Paris Meetup
- Melbourne, Australia Meetup
- Budapest Meetup
Hosted Development Tools
- Laravel Shift - Automated upgrade tool for Laravel projects
- Laravel Schema Designer - Create, export and share database schemas
- Laravel Database Designer - Graphical tool to create database schemas
- StyleCI - PHP Coding Style Service
- DependenCI - Continous integration tool for Composer
Found an awesome package, blog, video etc.? Send me a pull request!
- Please make an individual pull request for each suggestion
- Make sure the Travis tests pass on your pull request
- Use the following format for links: [Resource](URL)