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Prevent deleting all deployed resources when GitTrack resources deleted

Open sebastianrosch opened this issue 5 years ago • 0 comments

Accidentally or by any other means deleting the GitTrack resource would result in all deployed resources managed by Faros being deleted. As the default behaviour is --cascade=true, we consider this a high risk and would like to prevent this from happening (especially in production).

Proposal: Config option (in GitTrack or cmd option) to prevent Faros from creating ownerReferences but use other means to identify the parent->child relationship between GitTrack and GitTrackObjects.

We have tested this with a faros.pusher.com/owner-reference annotation, which allows Faros to continue operating without the risk of using an ownerReference. Here is the code that I used to test this:

const ownerReferenceAnnotation = "faros.pusher.com/owner-reference"
const ownerReferenceAnnotationFormat = "%s.%s.%s/%s"

func (r *ReconcileGitTrack) listObjectsByName(owner *farosv1alpha1.GitTrack) (map[string]farosv1alpha1.GitTrackObjectInterface, error) {

    for _, gto := range gtos.Items {
	if farosflags.CreateOwnerReference {
	    if metav1.IsControlledBy(&gto, owner) {
		result[gto.GetNamespacedName()] = gto.DeepCopy()
	} else {
	    if isOwnedBy(&gto, owner) {
		result[gto.GetNamespacedName()] = gto.DeepCopy()

// isOwnedBy checks if the GitTrackObject is owned by owner by checking its annotations
func isOwnedBy(obj *farosv1alpha1.GitTrackObject, owner *farosv1alpha1.GitTrack) bool {
    annotations := obj.GetAnnotations()
    if annotations != nil {
	compare := fmt.Sprintf(ownerReferenceAnnotationFormat, owner.Name, owner.Kind, owner.TypeMeta.GroupVersionKind().Group, owner.GroupVersionKind().Version)
	if annotations[ownerReferenceAnnotation] == compare {
	    return true
    return false


func (r *ReconcileGitTrack) handleObject(u *unstructured.Unstructured, owner *farosv1alpha1.GitTrack) result {

    if farosflags.CreateOwnerReference {
        // Creating an owner reference, as before.
        if err = controllerutil.SetControllerReference(owner, gto, r.scheme); err != nil {
           return errorResult(gto.GetNamespacedName(), err)
    } else {
        // Add an annotation to identify the Faros owner of this GitTrackObject
	annotations := gto.GetAnnotations()
	if annotations == nil {
	    annotations = make(map[string]string)
	annotations[ownerReferenceAnnotation] = fmt.Sprintf(ownerReferenceAnnotationFormat, owner.Name, owner.Kind, owner.TypeMeta.GroupVersionKind().Group, owner.GroupVersionKind().Version)

sebastianrosch avatar Mar 12 '19 11:03 sebastianrosch