backbone.marionette.subrouter copied to clipboard
using back button does not re-trigger all my routes
Situation: Loading the page from the URL
triggers all my routes and subroutes but accessing that URL after pressing the back or forward button only triggers the last subroute.
Let's say I access http://host/path1/path2/path3
from within he App I click on a link which brings me to http://host/otherpath
. When I press the back button it brings me back to http://host/path1/path2/path3
in the URL but only my ModuleThree.Router gets hit. I want all of them to get hit again, how can I do this?
- user loads url
inside one
inside two
inside three
- user clicks on link that goes to
- user presses back button
inside three
My problem is on step 3, I'm expecting all the subroutes to re-trigger for my app to function correctly but only the last sub-route is triggered.
Example: Below I setup my subrouters so when accessing
I have 3 matches triggered total
handled by ModuleOne.Router (initialized by appInitiliazer)
handled by ModuleTwo.Router (initialized by ModuleOne.Router)
handled by ModuleThree.Router (initialized by ModuleTwo.Router)
class ModuleOne.Router extends Marionette.AppRouter
"path1/*subroute" : "pathOne"
pathOne: (hash) ->
console.log 'inside one'
## this gets triggered on URL enter if /path1 is in URL
new App.ModuleTwo.Router("path1")
App.addInitializer ->
new ModuleOne.Router
## -------------------------------------------------------
pathTwo: ->
console.log 'inside two'
new App.ModuleThree.Router("path1/path2")
class ModuleTwo.Router extends Marionette.SubRouter
controller: API_ROUTER
"path2/*subroute" : "pathTwo"
## -------------------------------------------------------
pathThree: ->
console.log 'inside three'
class ModuleThree.Router extends Marionette.SubRouter
controller: API_ROUTER
"path3/*subroute" : "pathThree"
Sorry for the late reply @newtonianb. I unfortunately do not have the time right now to jump back into the Backbone Marionette world and figure out a solution. If you however want to poke around the code and submit a pull request I would be more than happy to merge it in. Apologies