See [comment](https://github.com/atsign-foundation/at_client_sdk/issues/733#issuecomment-1280341043) for more reference - [x] Notification Latency test As part of notification latency, Added tests that include 1. Sender, that sends a notification text (notify: text) continuously to...
Re-tested with the [skip_latestNotificationId](https://github.com/atsign-foundation/at_client_sdk/tree/skip_latestNotificationId). Now the latency results are better compared to the previous results. Results can be found in the following sheet. Tab -1 Previous results(without the fix for...
Latency tests have been re-verified again after the fix for "skipping latest notification Id ". The results have been better than the previous results that have been taken without the...
Made the change and raised a draft [PR](https://github.com/atsign-foundation/at_libraries/pull/451) and tested with all the apps and the cli apps. Moving it to next sprint for PR review and for publishing the...
at_lookup:3.0.42 has been published to pub.dev
In the PR-81, We spent time writing tests for the following along with the documentation and demonstrated them in the architecture call 1. Parallel_put_sync test 2. sync_pull_load test 3. parallel_notify_same_atsign...
Done with the phase -1 of writing scripts for the above mentioned scenarios and moved on to the locust Script to run multiple clients performing an unauthenticated scan/Info. Locust script...
During this Sprint, we utilized the locust script to conduct a series of performance tests aimed at evaluating the scalability and resilience of our server infrastructure. Specifically, we focused on...
We collected metrics by running both client and server on the same VM. Metrics can be found in the following [Same_VM_Metrics](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aBgfHBI7HyurvSQwL25tVW_ZYjYS1yB-ORH-Y3wN_FQ/edit#gid=51596449). Now, we aim to run the server and client...
Verified the branch with stream_sender.dart and stream_receiver.dart tests. There is a timeout exception happening at the stream_sender. Attaching logs for reference. [streamReceiverLogs.txt](https://github.com/atsign-foundation/at_client_sdk/files/10784281/streamReceiverLogs.txt) [streamSenderLogs.txt](https://github.com/atsign-foundation/at_client_sdk/files/10784282/streamSenderLogs.txt)