purescript-halogen-template copied to clipboard
Having the main component be a button is a bit misleading
While this repo isn't necessarily meant as a direct learning resource, it's still going to be the first thing some people encounter when trying to get hands-on with Halogen.
Having the component in here as App/Button.purs
is not very helpful with that, as in normal situations it would be something like App/Component.purs
, which then might well have a button inside it, or a child button component or whatever. Basically, I feel like straight out of the box it's set up wrong for what someone would actually want as a starting point for a project.
@garyb indeed, that's exactly where I'm now (just started with PS, playing with this repo).
Where can I find a more idiomatic PS project for learning? Thanks!
You may be interested in the extended template by @and-pete: https://github.com/and-pete/purescript-halogen-template-extended
Or in the full application example, Real World Halogen: https://github.com/thomashoneyman/purescript-halogen-realworld
You may be interested in the extended template by @and-pete: https://github.com/and-pete/purescript-halogen-template-extended
@ocramz You can also see the extended template previewed live via this Gist on TryPureScript to get a feel for its user sign-in/sign-out and page routing functionality.
That's great, thank you!