md-date-time-picker copied to clipboard
How can md-date-time-picker be used with Webpack? Any examples?
Got it:
import mdDateTimePicker from "md-date-time-picker";
var dateDialog = new mdDateTimePicker({
type: 'date'
@jolic also the new keyword will be like this in v2.0.0
var dialog = new mdDateTimePicker.default({
type: 'date'
Feel free to close this issue if it is resolved :smile:
I'm just inspecting the source and I think it would be better to provide callbacks on the constructor:
var dateDialog = new mdDateTimePicker({
type: "date"
,past: moment().subtract(3, 'years')
,future: moment()
,onClick: function(date){
,onOk: function(date){
,onCancel: function(date){
function mdDateTimePicker(_ref) {
_ref$onClick = _ref.onClick,
onClick = _ref$onClick === undefined ? '' : _ref$onClick,
_ref$onOk = _ref.onOk,
onOk = _ref$onOk === undefined ? '' : _ref$onOk,
_ref$onCancel = _ref.onCancel,
onCancel = _ref$onCancel === undefined ? '' : _ref$onCancel;
this._onClick = onClick;
this._onOk = onOk;
this._onCancel = onCancel;
value: function _addCellClickEvent(el) {
// update temp date object with the date selected
me._sDialog.sDate = currentDate.clone();
if (me._onClick) {
me._fillText(subtitle, currentDate.year());
With this you didn't depend on an element and it's clearer for the user... What do you think?
Maybe it would be nice to contribute the datepicker to
@jolic i'll start a pr there in some time for the component (possibly two of them)
About the callbacks can you start a PR?
@jolic also if possible can this callback solution be done in a way that we don't have any breaking changes?
Also, how does react mdl differ from material ui? Any ideas?
hey guys, quick question: I'm using datetime picker in a project with Webpack. in my vendor.ts file I load moment and the datetime picker as follow
import 'moment';
import 'md-date-time-picker';
then in my angular2 component I'm using moment and the datetime picker like this
let moment = require('moment');
let mdDateTimePicker = require('md-date-time-picker');
From my angular2 component I can use moment no problem but as soon as I initialize the datetime picker
var dialog = new mdDateTimePicker.default({
type: 'date'
it throws an exception
any idea? thanks a lot!!
@filoucpp you need to configure webpack as done here:
or modify your require statements as
window.moment = require('moment');
const mdDateTimePicker = require('md-date-time-picker');
thanks for the answer, the only way I got it working was to write this:
(<any> window).moment = require('moment');
once somewhere in the code, and then in every file that uses moment do this
declare var moment: any;
thanks for the help!!
@filoucpp congrats it worked for you and thanks for posting the answer too! It would help a lot of people in the future :smile:
Could you please provide a clear example on using with code splitting and webpack? Tried numerous approaches and md-date-time-picker just does not work.
vendors.ts css seems to be working:
import 'md-date-time-picker/dist/css/mdDateTimePicker.css';
not working
import 'md-date-time-picker';
import 'md-date-time-picker/dist/js/mdDateTimePicker.min.js';
Thanks in advance
Hmm seems to be an issue
Any updates on the issue?
Cant say yet will try my best to release it asap.