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Fix RedHat + PHP 8 libphp file

Open polatsinan opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Fixes loading correct libphp file when RedHat AND PHP 8. Fixes #2332

polatsinan avatar Oct 12 '22 10:10 polatsinan

CLA assistant check
All committers have signed the CLA.

CLAassistant avatar Oct 12 '22 10:10 CLAassistant

apache::mod::php is a class

Breaking changes to this file WILL impact these 49 modules (exact match):
Breaking changes to this file MAY impact these 36 modules (near match):

This module is declared in 174 of 579 indexed public Puppetfiles.

These results were generated with Rangefinder, a tool that helps predict the downstream impact of breaking changes to elements used in Puppet modules. You can run this on the command line to get a full report.

Exact matches are those that we can positively identify via namespace and the declaring modules' metadata. Non-namespaced items, such as Puppet 3.x functions, will always be reported as near matches only.