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Facts view: remote query
Load facts from a remote system
When working on local code, it would be nice to load facts from a remote system and have then in the facts view. The code in the end goes to git and from there with r10k to the Puppet Server. I would just be handy, to load the facts from a remote system, because my local facts are not the same (different types of *nix, windows)
A couple of thoughts here.
Using a different set of facts than what's on the local computer is relatively easy. The hard part is retrieving the facts
One thing we've poked around with is querying a Puppet Enterprise server for the last known facts for computer XXX so we don't have to actually contact the remote computer
We could leverage Bolt to get the remote facts, assuming it's configured with the right inventory and authentication
A minor problem with fact loading is that you won't get custom facts loaded into facter as the modules won't be there for facter
Another option may be to load "canned" facts using facterdb files. So we're not contacting the remote system but surface facts from different systems
Having done something similar in the puppet debugger you really should support all three methods. Local, remote, and facterdb. Remote should be a puppetdb query and facterdb needs to be a filter query.
Allow the user to select from a list of operating systems by providing a query input or setting.