puppetlabs-tftp copied to clipboard
puppet tftp module
Install tftp-hpa package and configuration files
This module will install TFTP as a xinetd service by default. It can be overridden to run as a standalone daemon by setting the inetd parameter to false.
class tftp
- username: tftp daemon user, default tftp(debian) or nobody(redhat).
- directory: service directory, deafult see params class.
- address: bind address, default
- port: bind port, default 69.
- options: service option, default --secure.
- inetd: run service via xinetd, default true.
class tftp {
directory => '/opt/tftp',
address => $::ipaddress,
options => '--ipv6 --timeout 60',
- ensure: file type, default file.
- owner: file owner, default tftp.
- group: file group. default tftp.
- mode: file mode, default 0644 (puppet will change to 0755 for directories).
- content: file content.
- source: file source, defaults to puppet:///module/${caller_module_name}/${name} for files without content.
- recurse: directory recurse, default false.
- purge: directory recurse and purge.
- replace: replace directory with file or symlink, default undef.
- recurselimit: directory recurse limit, default undef.
tftp::file { 'pxelinux.0':
source => 'puppet:///modules/acme/pxelinux.0',
tftp::file { 'pxelinux.cfg':
ensure => directory,
tftp::file { 'pxelinux.cfg/default':
ensure => file,
source => 'puppet:///modules/acme/pxelinux.cfg/default',
The last example can be abbreviated to the following if it's in the acme module:
tftp::file { 'pxelinux.cfg/default': }
- tftp directories not in the OS package defaults should be managed as file resources.
- customization for the class tftp must be declared before using tftp::file resources.
file { '/opt/tftp':
ensure => directory,
class { 'tftp':
directory => '/opt/tftp',
address => $::ipaddress,
tftp::file { 'pxelinux.0':
source => 'puppet:///modules/acme/pxelinux.0',
The examples use a module acme and the tftp files should be placed relative to the files
directory of the calling module, i.e. ($modulepath/acme/files/).
Supported Platforms
The module has been tested on the following platforms. Testing and patches for other platforms are welcomed.
- Debian 7 (Wheezy)
- EL 5
- EL 6
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04