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[Bug]: Socks5 Proxy get error net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED
Minimal, reproducible example
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
const { execSync, spawn } = require("child_process");
const BASE_PORT = 9222;
const TOTAL_WINDOWS = 1;
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe";
const BASE_PROXIES_PORT = 30000;
const CACHE_PATH = "D:\\chromes\\users\\";
const proxyUser = "xxx";
const proxyPass = "xxx";
const userAgents = [
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36",
async function automateBrowser(port, userAgent) {
console.log("port", port);
console.log("userAgent", userAgent);
const browserURL = `${port}`;
const browser = await puppeteer.connect({ browserURL });
const pages = await browser.pages();
const page = pages.length ? pages[0] : await browser.newPage();
await page.authenticate({
username: proxyUser,
password: proxyPass,
await page.setUserAgent(userAgent);
await page.goto("https://ip.me");
// await browser.close();
(async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_WINDOWS; i++) {
const port = BASE_PORT + i;
const userAgent = userAgents[i % userAgents.length];
const userDataDir = `${CACHE_PATH}\\${i}`;
const proxy = `socks5://`;
const chromeInstance = spawn(CHROME_PATH, [
`--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE"`,
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
await automateBrowser(port, userAgent);
// execSync(`taskkill /PID ${chromeInstance.pid} /F`);
Error string
Bug behavior
- [ ] Flaky
I'm trying to proxy with socks5 according https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/network-stack/socks-proxy/ and I'm getting an error Error: net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED at https://ip.me
would like to be able to access the web page properly
getting an error Error: net::ERR_SOCKS_CONNECTION_FAILED
Puppeteer configuration file (if used)
No response
Puppeteer version
Node version
Package manager
Package manager version
Operating system
This issue was not reproducible. Please check that your example runs locally and the following:
- Ensure the script does not rely on dependencies outside of
. - Ensure the error string is just the error message.
Error: something went wrong at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/username/repository/script.js:2:1) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1159:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1213:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1037:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:878:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12) at node:internal/main/run_main_module:23:47
Error: something went wrong
- Ensure your configuration file (if applicable) is valid.
- If the issue is flaky (does not reproduce all the time), make sure 'Flaky' is checked.
- If the issue is not expected to error, make sure to write 'no error'.
Once the above checks are satisfied, please edit your issue with the changes and we will try to reproduce the bug again.
Looks to me like the proxy is problematic. Have you verified that you can navigate to ip.me through the proxy? (Without using Chrome or Puppeteer)
Looks to me like the proxy is problematic. Have you verified that you can navigate to ip.me through the proxy? (Without using Chrome or Puppeteer)
Yes, I verified the proxy, and it works fine with socks-proxy-agent
Test Code:
const https = require('https');
const { SocksProxyAgent } = require('socks-proxy-agent');
const agent = new SocksProxyAgent(
'socks://username:[email protected]:33544'
https.get('https://ip.me', { agent }, (res) => {
Output: 200
Looks to me like the proxy is problematic. Have you verified that you can navigate to ip.me through the proxy? (Without using Chrome or Puppeteer)
Looks to me like the proxy is problematic. Have you verified that you can navigate to ip.me through the proxy? (Without using Chrome or Puppeteer)
Yes, I verified the proxy, and it works fine with
. Test Code:const https = require('https'); const { SocksProxyAgent } = require('socks-proxy-agent'); const agent = new SocksProxyAgent( 'socks://username:[email protected]:33544' ); https.get('https://ip.me', { agent }, (res) => { console.log(res.statusCode); });
I use setRequestInterceptor(true)
and create an agent by the proxy, it work fine too
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on("request", async (request) => {
if (
request.url().startsWith("data") ||
request.url().startsWith("blob") ||
request.url().startsWith("chrome-extension") ||
request.url().startsWith("chrome-devtools") ||
request.url().endsWith(".png") ||
request.url().endsWith(".jpg") ||
request.url().endsWith(".jpeg") ||
request.url().endsWith(".gif") ||
request.url().endsWith(".css") ||
request.url().endsWith(".woff") ||
request.url().endsWith(".woff2") ||
request.url().endsWith(".ttf") ||
request.url().endsWith(".svg") ||
request.url().endsWith(".ico") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mp4") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mp3") ||
request.url().endsWith(".avi") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mov") ||
request.url().endsWith(".flv") ||
request.url().endsWith(".wmv") ||
request.url().endsWith(".rmvb") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mkv") ||
request.url().endsWith(".rm") ||
request.url().endsWith(".asf") ||
request.url().endsWith(".ram") ||
request.url().endsWith(".divx") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mpe") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mpeg") ||
request.url().endsWith(".vob") ||
request.url().endsWith(".dat") ||
request.url().endsWith(".f4v") ||
request.url().endsWith(".m4v") ||
request.url().endsWith(".ts") ||
request.url().endsWith(".3gp") ||
request.url().endsWith(".3g2") ||
request.url().endsWith(".mk3d") ||
request.url().endsWith(".ogv") ||
request.url().endsWith(".webm") ||
request.url().endsWith(".m3u8") ||
) {
} else {
try {
const agent = new SocksProxyAgent(
"socks://username:[email protected]:33544"
console.log("request.url()", request.url());
const response = await axios.request({
url: request.url(),
httpAgent: agent,
httpsAgent: agent,
proxy: false,
data: request.postData(),
headers: request.headers(),
method: request.method(),
// 4. Return response to Chrome
await request.respond({
body: response.data,
headers: response.headers,
status: response.status,
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error.message);
We're marking this issue as unconfirmed because it has not had recent activity and we weren't able to confirm it yet. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 30 days.
hello,Is this problem solved? I also encountered it.
hello,Is this problem solved? I also encountered it.
Not really, I solved the problem by using an HTTP proxy locally.
I solved this problem in this way:
import * as http from 'http';
import * as url from 'url';
import {SocksClient} from 'socks';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import {SocksProxyAgent} from 'socks-proxy-agent';
import type * as internal from 'stream';
import type {SocksCommandOption} from 'socks/typings/common/constants';
import {createLogger} from '../../../shared/utils/logger';
import {PROXY_LOGGER_LABEL} from '../constants';
const logger = createLogger(PROXY_LOGGER_LABEL);
interface SocketOptions {
listenHost: string;
listenPort: number;
socksHost: string;
socksPort: number;
socksUsername?: string;
socksPassword?: string;
interface SocksProxyOptions {
ipaddress: string;
port: number;
type: 5 | 4;
userId?: string;
password?: string;
class HttpProxy extends EventEmitter {
opt: SocketOptions = {
listenHost: 'localhost',
listenPort: 12333,
socksHost: 'localhost',
socksPort: 1080,
proxy: SocksProxyOptions = {
ipaddress: '',
port: 7890,
type: 5,
constructor(options: SocketOptions) {
this.opt = {
this.proxy = {
ipaddress: this.opt.socksHost,
port: this.opt.socksPort,
type: 5,
userId: this.opt.socksUsername || '',
password: this.opt.socksPassword || '',
proxy: SocksProxyOptions,
uReq: http.IncomingMessage,
uRes: http.ServerResponse<http.IncomingMessage> & {
req: http.IncomingMessage;
) {
const u = url.parse(uReq.url!);
const socksAgent = new SocksProxyAgent(
const options = {
hostname: u.hostname,
port: u.port || 80,
path: u.path,
method: uReq.method || 'get',
headers: uReq.headers,
agent: socksAgent,
const pReq = http.request(options);
.on('response', pRes => {
uRes.writeHead(pRes.statusCode!, pRes.headers);
.on('error', e => {
uRes.end('Connection error\n');
this.emit('request:error', e);
proxy: SocksProxyOptions,
uReq: http.IncomingMessage,
uSocket: internal.Duplex,
uHead: Buffer,
) {
const u = url.parse(`http://${uReq.url}`);
const options = {
destination: {host: u.hostname!, port: u.port ? +u.port! : 80},
command: 'connect' as SocksCommandOption,
SocksClient.createConnection(options, (error, pSocket) => {
if (error) {
uSocket?.write(`HTTP/${uReq.httpVersion} 500 Connection error\r\n\r\n`);
this.emit('connect:error', error);
if (pSocket?.socket) {
pSocket?.socket.on('error', err => {
this.emit('connect:error', err);
uSocket.on('error', err => {
this.emit('connect:error', err);
uSocket?.write(`HTTP/${uReq.httpVersion} 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n`);
start() {
const server = http.createServer();
server.on('connect', (...args) => this._connect(this.proxy, ...args));
server.on('request', (...args) => this._request(this.proxy, ...args));
return server.listen(this.opt.listenPort, this.opt.listenHost);
export default function SocksServer(opt: SocketOptions) {
`Listen on ${opt.listenHost}:${opt.listenPort}, and forward traffic to ${opt.socksHost}:${opt.socksPort}`,
const proxy = new HttpProxy(opt);
return proxy.start();
and use it:
const proxyServer = SocksServer({
socksPort: +socksPort,
proxyServer.on('connect:error', err => {
proxyServer.on('request:error', err => {
I also just found this, but no one proxy working. but when I use the proxy in cURL, the proxy working.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const proxy = require('puppeteer-page-proxy');
(async () => {
// Replace 'socks5://your-socks-proxy:port' with the actual SOCKS5 proxy address and port
const socksProxy = 'socks5://your-socks-proxy:port';
// Launch the browser
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
// Create a new page
const page = await browser.newPage();
// Enable the proxy on the page
await proxy(page, socksProxy);
// Navigate to a website
await page.goto('https://example.com');
// Rest of your Puppeteer script...
// Close the browser
await browser.close();
We're marking this issue as unconfirmed because it has not had recent activity and we weren't able to confirm it yet. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 30 days.
We are closing this issue. If the issue still persists in the latest version of Puppeteer, please reopen the issue and update the description. We will try our best to accommodate it!