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Bootstrap an OPNsense development environment in Vagrant

Bootstrap an OPNsense development environment in Vagrant


Networking considerations

VirtualBox reserves the range of IPv4 addresses for host-only networking. The default address of your OPNsense firewall in this project is If that collides with your local infrastructure set a different one in the Vagrantfile. Make sure not to pick the lowest one in the respective network, which is reserved for the host by VirtualBox.

For more details see the relevant VirtualBox documentation.

Selecting the OPNsense version

You can set the variable $opnsense_release to the desired OPNsense release e.g. 24.7 in Vagrantfile to select the matching major release version. Likewise you can set $opnsense_box to the base box version to bootstrap from. For 24.7 that is punktde/freebsd-141-ufs.

Provision the VM

git clone [email protected]:punktDe/vagrant-opnsense.git
cd vagrant-opnsense
vagrant up

These commands will automatically

  1. download a plain FreeBSD Vagrant box provided by infrastructure.
  2. boot the VM.
  3. convert the VM into an OPNsense installation with the bootstrap method.
  4. adjust the configuration for this development environment - SSH will be enabled and permitted on all interfaces!
  5. reboot the resulting VM.

Should you need to repeat this step from the start you can always

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

Connect via your browser


Use the default user and password of root/opnsense.

Congratulations! You have a working OPNsense installation in Vagrant/Virtualbox. Now navigate through the initial setup wizard or skip it as instructed in the UI.

Connect via SSH

Use vagrant ssh to login. sudo will work without password.

Additional steps

  • You should install the os-virtualbox plugin so you can cleanly shutdown and startup the system.
  • Also disable the DHCP server on LAN.

Routing traffic through the firewall

The firewall you just created is completely functional so you can route individual networks or addresses through it on your desktop system. E.g. to access my company's web page through OPNsense you can route our entire address range appropriately.

On a Mac:

sudo route add -net

On Windows:

route ADD MASK

Now when you lookup our website in your browser the traffic will go through the OPNsense running in VirtualBox/Vagrant. Make sure to disable IPv6 on your Mac for these experiments if you have a native IPv6 connection. If you don't the browser will prefer IPv6 over IPv4.

Changing the LAN IP address

If you want to change the LAN network after initial deployment use these steps:

  1. Change the IP address in the UI, save and apply. Use anything but the lowest address (.1). Keep a /24 netmask. You will lose connectivity, of course.
  2. Use vagrant halt to shutdown the VM. Vagrant connects via WAN, so this still works.
  3. Edit Vagrantfile and change $virtual_machine_ip to your new value.
  4. Start the VM with vagrant up. Vagrant will automatically create a matching host-only network and use the lowest address (.1) for your development system.
  5. Use the new address to connect via browser once the VM is up and running.

Starting development

Please refer to the OPNsense tools documentation for details on how to set up a build system. To clone the build environment into the /var/vagrant directory (mounted from your host system) from within the box use e.g.:

# log in to box, become root - press [8] to invoke a shell from the OPNsense menu
vagrant ssh
sudo su -

# install git and configure NFS mounted directories as safe
pkg install git
git config --global --add /var/vagrant/core
git config --global --add /var/vagrant/plugins
git config --global --add /var/vagrant/ports
git config --global --add /var/vagrant/src
git config --global --add /var/vagrant/tools

# clone the OPNsense repositories - this will take some time
cd /var/vagrant
git clone
cd tools
env ROOTDIR=/var/vagrant make update

The .gitignore file of this project is already configured to ignore the OPNsense source code. Edits and individual git operations can now be done on your host system.
