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Tools for Extbase Development
The creation of new tasks is broken by the extension. Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\StandaloneView::setPartialRootPath() \| Error thrown in file /var/customers/webs/klimek/df/typo3conf/ext/pt_extbase/Classes/Scheduler/SqlRunner/SqlRunnerTaskAdditionalFields.php in line...
Hello! In TYPO3 v8 i always got an error when adding a scheduler task. Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\StandaloneView::setPartialRootPath() That's because the method now is called setPartialRootPaths and requires an...
Got this error in YAG if one Gallery has more then "60" pictures ... thats a breaking point for the pager. Argument 1 passed to PunktDe\PtExtlist\ViewHelpers\Namespaces\GPArrayViewHelper::buildObjectValueArray() must implement interface Tx_PtExtbase_State_IdentifiableInterface,...
I want to use *Tx_PtExtbase_Tests_Unit_AbstractBaseTestcase* for my extbase extension unit tests too but I'm struggling to: a) execute the pt_extbase unit tests b) execute unit tests of my extension which...
Hi, since update to PHP7 pt_extbase does not work anymore: ``` PHP Warning: Declaration of Tx_PtExtbase_Registry_Registry::addItem($object, $label, $overwrite = false) should be compatible with Tx_PtExtbase_Collection_Collection::addItem($itemObj, $id = 0) in /var/www/webroot/typo3conf/ext/pt_extbase/Classes/Registry/Registry.php...
The icon icon_tx_ptextbase_tree_node.png is missing. This is used in backend where access to tables for users or usergroups can be (dis-)allowed.
After updating to current master I get this error: Fatal error: Class 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\UnitTestCase' not found in /app/web/typo3conf/ext/pt_extbase/Classes/Testing/Unit/AbstractBaseTestcase.php on line 37 TYPO3 Version is 7.6 Installed via composer