secret-magpie-cli copied to clipboard
Secret Magpie - Secret Detection Tool
____ __ _____ _ __
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Secret-Magpie ✨
Organisations struggle to scan for leaked secrets in ALL of their repos. It's easy to scan one repo, but time consuming and tedious to scan all of them.
SecretMagpie is a secret detection tool that hunts out all the secrets hiding in ALL your repositories.
It supports finding repos in Github, Gitlab, Azure DevOps (ADO), Bitbucket and the local file system.
Given an auth token, it will:
- enumerate all of the repos
- clone each repo down
- scan EVERY branch with multiple tools
- squash all the findings into one big list
- deduplicate them so you dont triage the same thing twice
- provide a slick web ui to quickly triage your findings
- give you some great stats and a full report in csv or json
See it in action!
By making use of the opensource tools Trufflehog 🐷 and Gitleaks, SecretMagpie can highlight a variety of different secrets and ensure that nothing is missed!
We plan on adding more tools soon, providing even wider coverage.
The easiest approach is to use Docker...
Running SecretMagpie in Docker
We've kept things nice and simple and bundled everything into a Docker container to enable you to start finding secrets as soon as possible.
Simply run one of the following commands to get started: for github, gitlab or azuredevops
docker run punksecurity/secret-magpie <github/gitlab/azuredevops> --org 'organisation name' --pat 'personal access token'
or for bitbucket
docker run punksecurity/secret-magpie bitbucket --workspace 'workspace name to scan' --username 'your username' --password 'your application password'
or for the local filesystem
docker run -v /local/path/to/repos/:/repos punksecurity/secret-magpie filesystem --path /repos
Get your results
You can copy your results file back out of the completed container with this command.
You need the container id, which should be output when you ran the run command.
If needs be, you can run "docker ps -a" to find your container id.
docker cp 'container':/app/results.[csv/json] /host/path/target
Alternatively you mount the volume the results folder and direct output to it
docker -v /localpath:/app/results run punksecurity/secret-magpie <other options> --out results/results
Passing certificates to Docker
If you're running our tool inside Docker, you may find you need to pass in CA certificates from the host.
This can be achieved using the following command
docker -v /path/to/your/certificates:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ run punksecurity/secret-magpie <other options> --update-ca-certificates
There is additionally a web mode that allows you to access your results via a web browser immediately after scanning has finished, it can be used like
docker run -p punksecurity/secret-magpie --web <other options>
Note: We strongly advise against exposing the web server to the world, please ensure you are binding to
Running the tool locally
If you prefer not to use Docker then you will need to manually install the following:
- Python 3.10
- Git
- Trufflehog 3.20.0 installed and on PATH
- Gitleaks v8.15.2 installed and on PATH
You will also need to install the dependencies in requirements.txt by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run it like this: for github, gitlab or azuredevops
python <github/gitlab/azuredevops> --org 'github organisation name' --pat 'personal access token'
or for bitbucket
python bitbucket --workspace 'workspace name to scan' --username 'your username' --password 'your application password'
or for the local filesystem
python filesystem --path <path to repos>
You can also use the web mode outside of docker, like
python --web <other options>
It will by default bind to
, this address can be overriden via the SECRETMAGPIE_LISTEN_ADDR
environment variable, this enviroment variable should always be in the format address:port
. We strongly recommend always binding to
Full Usage
usage: {bitbucket/github/gitlab/azuredevops/filesystem} [options]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--out OUT Output file (default: results)
--no-cleanup Don't remove checked-out repositories upon completion
--out-format {csv,json,html}
--parallel-repos PARALLEL_REPOS
Number of repos to process in parallel - more than 3 not advised (default: 3)
--disable-trufflehog Scan without trufflehog
--disable-gitleaks Scan without gitleaks
--single-branch Scan only the default branch
--max-branch-count MAX_BRANCH_COUNT
Limit the number of branches scanned per repo
--dont-store-secret Do not store the plaintext secret in the results
--extra-context Output two lines before and after the secret for additional context.
--no-stats Do not output stats summary
--ignore-branches-older-than IGNORE_BRANCHES_OLDER_THAN
Ignore branches whose last commit date is before this value. Format is Pythons's expected ISO format e.g. 2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
--update-ca-store If you're running secret-magpie-cli within Docker and need to provide an external CA certificate to trust, pass this option to cause it to update the container's certificate store.
Disables HTTPS validation for APIs/cloning.
--web Hosts a webserver on to view the results in browser
--to-scan-list TO_SCAN_LIST
The file to read the list of repositories to scan from. One repository per line, web URL to the repository.
--gl-config GL_CONFIG
The .toml rules file to use for Gitleaks.
--org ORG Organisation name to target
--pat PAT Personal Access Token for API access and cloning
--group GROUP The GitLab Group to import repositories from
--access-token ACCESS_TOKEN
The access token to use for accessing GitLab.
--gitlab-url GITLAB_URL
URL of the GitLab instance to run against. (default:
--workspace WORKSPACE
--username USERNAME
--password PASSWORD
--path PATH The root directory that contains all of the repositories to scan. Each repository should be a subdirectory under this path.