ranger.el copied to clipboard
Bringing the goodness of ranger to dired!
When I'm navigating around, if I press `k`, emacs essentially runs `k` then `j` then `k`, so I get an annoying flicker from the movement (the same happens with `j`...
Hi ralesi, I like ranger.el a lot. But there is something that is a bit annoying when using it: when you are on a file and press the right key,...
Currently the helm completion for bookmarks just shows the keys, unlike for example the helm completion for yanking which shows both the keys and a description. It would be nice...
There seems to be some clashing between these two variables. If dired-omit-files is set and active, switching to ranger with C-p disables zh in ranger. Omit files are not shown...
Currently it's not possible to have one bookmark to 'd' and another to 'D', as with rangerfm.
`deer-jump-other-window` doesn't seem to properly fetch the present working directory of the current buffer before opening a deer buffer in another window, as one would expect. Instead, a deer buffer...
Ranger does not work properly when [emacs-purpose](https://github.com/bmag/emacs-purpose) is activated: the preview does not appear on the right where it is supposed to, but on the parent directory's window instead. This...
Instead of preserving the currently visited directory, it seems to revert back to the directory that initially was opened. C-x C-f /home RET Navigate using deer or ranger to /etc...
Just a feature request to support [all-the-icons](https://github.com/domtronn/all-the-icons.el) in the already awesome ranger.el ! Many thanks for the excellent piece of code ... I just LOVE ranger.el package :)