react-native-sound-level copied to clipboard
A package to dynamically measure sound input level in React Native applications. Can be used to help user to adjust microphone sensitivity.
A package to dynamically measure sound input level in React Native applications. Can be used to help user to adjust microphone sensitivity.
Install the npm package and link it to your project:
npm i react-native-sound-level --save
On iOS you need to add a usage description to Info.plist
<string>This sample uses the microphone to analyze sound level.</string>
On Android you need to add a permission to AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
Manual installation on iOS
In XCode, in the project navigator:
* Right click _Libraries_
* Add Files to _[your project's name]_
* Go to `node_modules/react-native-sound-level`
* Add the `.xcodeproj` file
In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project.
* Add the `libRNSoundLevel.a` from the _soundlevel_ project to your project's _Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries_
Installation on Ubuntu
- Add to package.json:
"desktopExternalModules": [ "node_modules/react-native-sound-level/desktop" ]
- You may need to make QT's multimedia library accessible for linker
sudo ln -s $YOUR_QT_DIR/5.9.1/gcc_64/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
React Native 0.60+
To make it run correctly on iOS you may need the following:
- Add
pod 'react-native-sound-level', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native-sound-level/RNSoundLevel.podspec'
to yourios/Podfile
file. - Unlink the library if linked before (
react-native unlink react-native-sound-level
). - Run
pod install
from within your projectios
- Request permission to access microphone, handle the UI by yourself. You may use react-native-permissions package or simply PermissionsAndroid module.
- Configure the monitor and start it.
- Makes sense to stop it when not used.
import RNSoundLevel from 'react-native-sound-level'
const MONITOR_INTERVAL = 250 // in ms
const requestPermission = async () => {
// request permission to access microphone
// ...
if (success) {
// start monitoring
// you may also specify a monitor interval (default is 250ms)
// or add even more options
monitorInterval: MONITOR_INTERVAL,
samplingRate: 16000, // default is 22050
useEffect(() => {
RNSoundLevel.onNewFrame = (data) => {
// see "Returned data" section below
console.log('Sound level info', data)
return () => {
// don't forget to stop it
}, [])
Returned data
"id", // frame number
"value", // sound level in decibels, -160 is a silence level
"rawValue" // raw level value, OS-dependent