pulumi-kubernetes copied to clipboard
HelmRelease causes a line break on long values
What happened?
I'm trying to add some prometheus rules to my rabbitmq bitnami helm chart and pulumi seems to add a \n
on a point where it causes an unterminated quoted string
error on pulumi up
const rabbitMQ = new HelmRelease("rabbitmq", {
chart: "rabbitmq",
version: "14.1.2",
repositoryOpts: {
repo: "https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami",
values: {
metrics: {
enabled: true,
prometheusRule: {
enabled: true,
rules: [
alert: "RabbitmqInstancesDifferentVersions",
expr: 'count(count(rabbitmq_build_info) by (rabbitmq_version)) > 1',
for: '60m',
labels: {
severity: "warning",
annotations: {
summary: 'RabbitMQ instances running different versions (instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }})', // <-- this get's converted to "RabbitMQ instances running different versions (instance {{ \"{{ $labels.instance\n }}\" }})"
description: 'Running different version of RabbitMQ in the same cluster, can lead to failure.\n VALUE = {{ "{{ $value }}" }}\n LABELS = {{ "{{ $labels }}" }}',
Output of pulumi about
Version 3.107.0
Go Version go1.22.0
Go Compiler gc
command 0.11.1
keycloak 5.3.2
kubernetes 4.13.1
mongodbatlas 3.16.0
nodejs unknown
postgresql 3.11.1
random 4.16.2
OS Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise
Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631
Arch x86_64
This project is written in nodejs: executable='C:\Users\A92615470\AppData\Local\pnpm\node.exe' version='v20.14.0'
Additional context
// In my arg
RabbitMQ instances running different versions (instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance }}" }})
// In values.yaml
RabbitMQ instances running different versions (instance {{ "{{ $labels.instance\n }}" }})
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