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eks.ClusterArgs{} StorageClasses field not working correctly
What happened?
I'm attempting to create a new EKS Cluster with the StorageClasses
Attempting to create a cluster with the StorageClasses field (see repro code below) during cluster creation fails with the following error:
pulumi:pulumi:Stack (infra2-dev): error: an unhandled error occurred: program failed: waiting for RPCs: marshaling properties: awaiting input property "clusterName": marshaling properties: awaiting input property "storageClasses": cannot marshal an input of type v1.StorageClassArgs with element type v1.storageClassArgs as a value of type v1.StorageClassArgs
If I use NewStorageClass
directly with the same configuration, everything works as expected.
Expected Behavior
A cluster should be created with the custom storage class specified.
Steps to reproduce
import (
eksCw "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/sdk/go/eks"
metav1 "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes/meta/v1"
storagev1 "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes/storage/v1"
cluster, err := eksCw.NewCluster(ctx, "cluster2", &eksCw.ClusterArgs{
Version: pulumi.StringPtr("1.24"),
VpcId: pulumi.StringPtr("vpc-xxx"),
StorageClasses: map[string]storagev1.StorageClassArgs{
"ebs-sc": {
AllowVolumeExpansion: pulumi.BoolPtr(true),
Provisioner: pulumi.String("ebs.csi.aws.com"),
Parameters: pulumi.ToStringMap(map[string]string{
"encrypted": "true",
"kmsKeyId": "xxx",
ReclaimPolicy: pulumi.String("Delete"),
VolumeBindingMode: pulumi.String("WaitForFirstConsumer"),
Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
Annotations: pulumi.ToStringMap(map[string]string{
"name": "ebs-sc",
"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class": "true",
Output of pulumi about
Version 3.53.1
Go Version go1.19.5
Go Compiler gc
Plugins NAME VERSION aws 5.28.0 eks 1.0.1 go unknown kubernetes 3.17.0
OS darwin
Version 13.2
Arch arm64
This project is written in go: executable='/usr/local/go/bin/go' version='go version go1.19.5 darwin/arm64'
Name xxx
URL s3://xxx/yyy
User christopherwong
Dependencies: NAME VERSION github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/sdk/v5 5.28.0 github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/sdk 1.0.1 github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v3 3.53.0
Pulumi locates its logs in /var/folders/ry/jnycvnjj5f17q72tgwfm5jx40000gn/T/ by default
Additional context
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Hi @christopher-wong
Thanks for reporting this issue to us. It looks like there is a marshaling error within the Go SDK from a Pulumi output to a Pulumi input. I was able to find a similar issue in the past and I'll file a issue to track that our codegen logic is updated to handle this.
In the meantime, I've identified a workaround for this to help unblock your workflows. Instead of using a map[string]storagev1.StorageClassArgs
for the StorageClasses
field, you should be able to use map[string]interface{}
instead to create your clusters.
Expanded workaround example:
cluster, err := eksCw.NewCluster(ctx, "cluster2", &eksCw.ClusterArgs{
Version: pulumi.StringPtr("1.24"),
VpcId: pulumi.StringPtr("vpc-xxx"),
StorageClasses: map[string]interface{}{
"ebs-sc": storagev1.StorageClassArgs{
AllowVolumeExpansion: pulumi.BoolPtr(true),
Provisioner: pulumi.String("ebs.csi.aws.com"),
Parameters: pulumi.ToStringMap(map[string]string{
"encrypted": "true",
"kmsKeyId": "xxx",
ReclaimPolicy: pulumi.String("Delete"),
VolumeBindingMode: pulumi.String("WaitForFirstConsumer"),
Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
Annotations: pulumi.ToStringMap(map[string]string{
"name": "ebs-sc",
"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class": "true",
Thank you!