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Pulumi/CDK Interop Library
Pulumi CDK Adapter (preview)
The Pulumi CDK Adapter is a library that enables Pulumi programs to use AWS CDK constructs.
The adapter allows writing AWS CDK code as part of an AWS CDK Stack inside a Pulumi program, and having the resulting AWS resources be deployed and managed via Pulumi. Outputs of resources defined in a Pulumi program can be passed into AWS CDK Constructs, and outputs from AWS CDK stacks can be used as inputs to other Pulumi resources.
Note: Currently, the Pulumi CDK Adapter preview is available only for TypeScript/JavaScript users.
For example, to construct an AWS AppRunner Service
resource from within a Pulumi program, and export the resulting service's URL as as Pulumi Stack Output you write the following:
import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi';
import * as pulumicdk from '@pulumi/cdk';
import { Service, Source } from '@aws-cdk/aws-apprunner-alpha';
class AppRunnerStack extends pulumicdk.Stack {
url: pulumi.Output<string>;
constructor(id: string, options?: pulumicdk.StackOptions) {
super(id, options);
const service = new Service(this, 'service', {
source: Source.fromEcrPublic({
imageConfiguration: { port: 8000 },
imageIdentifier: 'public.ecr.aws/aws-containers/hello-app-runner:latest',
this.url = this.asOutput(service.serviceUrl);
const stack = new AppRunnerStack('teststack');
export const url = stack.url;
And then deploy with pulumi update
> pulumi up
Updating (dev)
View Live: https://app.pulumi.com/lukehoban/pulumi-cdk-apprunner/dev/updates/1
Type Name Status
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack pulumi-cdk-apprunner-dev created
+ └─ cdk:index:StackComponent teststack created
+ └─ cdk:construct:Service teststack/adapter/service created
+ └─ aws-native:apprunner:Service service6D174F83 created
url: "2ez3iazupm.us-west-2.awsapprunner.com"
+ 4 created
And curl the endpoint:
> curl https://$(pulumi stack output url)
______ __ __ __ _ __
/ ____/___ ____ ____ __________ _/ /___ __/ /___ _/ /_(_)___ ____ _____/ /
/ / / __ \/ __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __ `/ __/ / / / / __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ /
/ /___/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / (__ )_/
\____/\____/_/ /_/\__, /_/ \__,_/\__/\__,_/_/\__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/____(_)
Congratulations, your service has successfully deployed on AWS App Runner.
Open it in your browser at https://2ez3iazupm.us-west-2.awsapprunner.com/
Try the workshop at https://apprunnerworkshop.com
Read the docs at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apprunner
Getting Started
AWS CDK requires that your AWS account and target region are "bootstrapped" for use with CDK, so in order to use CDK on Pulumi, you'll need to do that first. We recommend using the latest bootstrap template (v2, as of this writing). See the AWS documentation for details. (Note that resources deployed with Pulumi on CDK are deployed and managed with Pulumi, not CloudFormation; the bootstrapping step is required by CDK for additional runtime support.)
A Construct that represents an AWS CDK stack deployed with Pulumi. In order to deploy a CDK stack with Pulumi, it must derive from this class. The synth
method must be called after all CDK resources have been defined in order to deploy the stack (usually, this is done as the last line of the subclass's constructor).
Create and register an AWS CDK stack deployed with Pulumi.
constructor(name: string, options?: StackOptions)
: The unique name of the resource. -
: A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
The URN of the underlying Pulumi component.
The collection of outputs from the AWS CDK Stack represented as Pulumi Outputs. Each CfnOutput
defined in the AWS CDK Stack will populate a value in the outputs.
outputs: { [outputId: string]: pulumi.Output<any> }
Finalize the stack and deploy its resources.
protected synth()
Convert a CDK value to a Pulumi output.
: A CDK value.
asOutput<T>(v: T): pulumi.Output<T>
Options specific to the Stack component.
interface StackOptions
This optional method can be implemented to define a mapping to override and/or provide an implementation for a CloudFormation resource type that is not (yet) implemented in the AWS Cloud Control API (and thus not yet available in the Pulumi AWS Native provider). Pulumi code can override this method to provide a custom mapping of CloudFormation elements and their properties into Pulumi CustomResources, commonly by using the AWS Classic provider to implement the missing resource.
remapCloudControlResource(element: CfnElement, logicalId: string, typeName: string, props: any, options: pulumi.ResourceOptions): { [key: string]: pulumi.CustomResource } | undefined
: The full CloudFormation element object being mapped. -
: The logical ID of the resource being mapped. -
: The CloudFormation type name of the resource being mapped. -
: The bag of input properties to the CloudFormation resource being mapped. -
: The set of Pulumi ResourceOptions to apply to the resource being mapped.
Returns an object containing one or more logical IDs mapped to Pulumi resources that must be created to implement the mapped CloudFormation resource, or else undefined if no mapping is implemented.
Create and register an AWS CDK stack deployed with Pulumi.
create(name: string, ctor: typeof Stack, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions): StackComponent
: The unique name of the resource. -
: The CDK Stack subclass to create. -
: The Pulumi CDKStackComponent parent resource. -
: A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
Convert a Pulumi Output to a CDK string value.
function asString<T>(o: pulumi.Output<T>): string
: A Pulumi Output value which represents a string.
Returns A CDK token representing a string value.
Convert a Pulumi Output to a CDK number value.
function asNumber<T>(o: pulumi.Output<T>): number
: A Pulumi Output value which represents a number.
Returns A CDK token representing a number value.
Convert a Pulumi Output to a list of CDK values.
function asList<T>(o: pulumi.Output<T>): string[]
: A Pulumi Output value which represents a list.
Returns a CDK token representing a list of values.
Building locally
Install dependencies, build library, and link for local usage.
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
$ pushd lib && yarn link && popd
Run unit test:
$ yarn test
Basic tests
✔ Checking single resource registration (124ms)
✔ Supports Output<T> (58ms)
Graph tests
✔ Test sort for single resource
✔ Test sort for ASG example (56ms)
✔ Test sort for appsvc example
✔ Test sort for apprunner example
6 passing (278ms)
Run Pulumi examples:
$ yarn test-examples