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Changing VirtualNetwork causes Azure to silently re-create child resources and fail
This is an unfortunate situation where a change to a azure.network.VirtualNetwork
resource causes Azure (not Pulumi) to attempt to re-create the network and child resources out of band of Pulumi causing a scary and confusing error message from Azure. Even worse; if the dependent subnet in this case is not in use, Azure will silently re-create the subnet and Pulumi's state will be inaccurate.
In particular changing addressSpaces
on azure.network.VirtualNetwork
causes this situation.
Suggestions for a fix
Mark addressSpaces
as "force new" so that Pulumi does the re-creation and appropriately takes care of dependencies.
Steps to reproduce
git clone https://gist.github.com/3cb019fdeda291dd3f618cc432e536f7.git && cd 3cb019fdeda291dd3f618cc432e536f7
pulumi stack init test1
pulumi up -y
pulumi config set --path 'addressSpaces[0]' ""
pulumi up -y
Error Output
% pulumi up -y --skip-preview
Updating (test)
View Live: https://app.pulumi.com/clstokes/demo-azure-ts-webserver/test/updates/5
Type Name Status Info
pulumi:pulumi:Stack demo-azure-ts-webserver-test **failed** 1 error
~ └─ azure:network:VirtualNetwork main **updating failed** [diff: ~addressSpaces]; 1 error
pulumi:pulumi:Stack (demo-azure-ts-webserver-test):
error: update failed
azure:network:VirtualNetwork (main):
error: 1 error occurred:
* updating urn:pulumi:test::demo-azure-ts-webserver::azure:network/virtualNetwork:VirtualNetwork::main: Error Creating/Updating Virtual Network "main1c78d7d7" (Resource Group "main8a8521d5"): network.VirtualNetworksClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="InUseSubnetCannotBeDeleted" Message="Subnet mainb6c0c94c is in use by /subscriptions/32b9cb2e-69be-4040-80a6-02cd6b2cc5ec/resourceGroups/main8a8521d5/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/maina24484ee/ipConfigurations/main and cannot be deleted. In order to delete the subnet, delete all the resources within the subnet. See aka.ms/deletesubnet." Details=[]
2 unchanged
Duration: 7s
Not a workaround, but a way to guard against this would be to use protect: true
on dependent resources. Docs on that are here
We have experienced exactly the same issue and here are some of my findings.
Consider the following 2 versions of Stack implementation:
Version 1
public MyStack()
var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("exampleResourceGroup", new ResourceGroupArgs
Name = "iac-pulumi-poc2-rg"
var exampleNetworkSecurityGroup = new NetworkSecurityGroup("nsg", new NetworkSecurityGroupArgs
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
var virtualNetwork = new VirtualNetwork("vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs
Name = "iac-pulumi-poc2-vnet",
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
AddressSpaces =
Tags =
{ "environment", "dev" },
var aksSubnet = new Subnet("aks", new SubnetArgs
Name = "aks",
VirtualNetworkName = virtualNetwork.Name,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
AddressPrefixes = ""
var nic = new NetworkInterface("nic", new NetworkInterfaceArgs
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
IpConfigurations =
new NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
Name = "internal",
SubnetId = aksSubnet.Id,
PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
First time pulumi up
will provision vnet, subnet and allocate private IP for nic. Changing vnet tags and run pulumi up
will give the following error message
Error Creating/Updating Virtual Network "iac-pulumi-poc2-vnet" (Resource Group "iac-pulumi-poc2-rg"): network.VirtualNetworksClient#CreateOrUpda
te: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="InUseSubnetCannotBeDeleted" Message="Subnet aks is in use by /subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/iac-pulumi-poc2-rg/providers/Micr
osoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic0238c9b2/ipConfigurations/internal and cannot be deleted. In order to delete the subnet, delete all the resources within the subnet. See aka.ms/deletesubnet." Details=[]
Version 2
using Pulumi;
using Pulumi.Azure.ContainerService;
using Pulumi.Azure.ContainerService.Inputs;
using Pulumi.Azure.Core;
using Pulumi.Azure.Network;
using Pulumi.Azure.Network.Inputs;
using Pulumi.Azure.Storage;
class MyStack : Stack
public MyStack()
var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("exampleResourceGroup", new ResourceGroupArgs
Name = "vipps-pulumi-poc2-rg"
var exampleNetworkSecurityGroup = new NetworkSecurityGroup("nsg", new NetworkSecurityGroupArgs
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
var virtualNetwork = new VirtualNetwork("vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs
Name = "vipps-pulumi-poc2-vnet",
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
AddressSpaces =
Subnets =
new VirtualNetworkSubnetArgs
Name = "aks",
AddressPrefix = "",
Tags =
{ "environment", "dev" },
var aksSubnet = virtualNetwork.Subnets.First();
var nic = new NetworkInterface("nic", new NetworkInterfaceArgs
Location = resourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
IpConfigurations =
new NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
Name = "internal",
SubnetId = aksSubnet.Apply(x => x.Id),
PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
Provision it with pulumi up
, update vnet tags and update it again with pulumi up
will work without any problem.
Some thoughts
The difference between these 2 versions is that in the second version, subnet configuration is part of the VirtualNetwork resource.
Actually, if we extract ARM template for the VNet from our Stack, the aks subnet resource exists both as part of Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
resource and as a separate Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
"type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks",
"apiVersion": "2020-05-01",
"name": "[parameters('virtualNetworks_iac_pulumi_poc2_vnet_name')]",
"location": "westeurope",
"tags": {
"environment": "dev"
"properties": {
"addressSpace": {
"addressPrefixes": [
"dhcpOptions": {
"dnsServers": []
"subnets": [
"name": "aks",
"properties": {
"addressPrefix": "",
"serviceEndpoints": [],
"delegations": [],
"privateEndpointNetworkPolicies": "Enabled",
"privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies": "Enabled"
"virtualNetworkPeerings": [],
"enableDdosProtection": false,
"enableVmProtection": false
"type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets",
"apiVersion": "2020-05-01",
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualNetworks_iac_pulumi_poc2_vnet_name'), '/aks')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', parameters('virtualNetworks_iac_pulumi_poc2_vnet_name'))]"
"properties": {
"addressPrefix": "",
"serviceEndpoints": [],
"delegations": [],
"privateEndpointNetworkPolicies": "Enabled",
"privateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies": "Enabled"
Maybe pulumi should also treat subnets
both as part of VirtualNetwork resource and as a separate resource.
That is - if I create subnet and "attach" it to the VNet by using VirtualNetworkName
(this is very useful and needed use-case), this subnet should be added as an item to the subnets
array of VirtualNetwork resource.
FYI tested Version 1 from https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-azure/issues/736#issuecomment-739482406 and it still reproduces today.
Note pulumi refresh
after the initial creation alleviates the problem.
It's an upstream issue, but because TF does refresh by default, it's much less impactful compared to Pulumi.