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There is no CronTabDefinition method if I follow your exemple

Open Kamaradeivanov opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

Hello, if I use crd2pulumi to generate a nodejs code, I can't create the crd resource beacause there is no MyCrdDefinition method.

I have follow your exemple here :

I run the command bellow :

crd2pulumi --nodejsPath ./crontabs resourcedefinition.yaml

But there is no crontabs.stable.CronTabDefinition() method in my code

import * as crontabs from "./crontabs"
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"

// Register the CronTab CRD.
const cronTabDefinition = new crontabs.stable.CronTabDefinition("my-crontab-definition")

I have the following error :

Property 'CronTabDefinition' does not exist on type 'typeof 

Kamaradeivanov avatar Jan 28 '21 10:01 Kamaradeivanov

Can you share the generated code in `"./crontabs" so we can help diagnose?

EvanBoyle avatar Jan 28 '21 18:01 EvanBoyle

Hi, I have the same problem. as you can see my stable does not have a CronTabDefinition function I leave all files as-is (just generated)

// crontabs/index.ts
export * from "./provider";
import * as stable from "./stable";
import * as types from "./types";
export {stable, types};
// crontabs/stable/index.ts
import * as v1 from "./v1";
export {v1};
// crontabs/stable/v1/index.ts
export * from "./cronTab";
// crontabs/stable/v1/cronTab.ts
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as inputs from "../../types/input";
import * as outputs from "../../types/output";
import * as utilities from "../../utilities";
import {ObjectMeta} from "../../meta/v1";

export class CronTab extends pulumi.CustomResource {
     * Get an existing CronTab resource's state with the given name, ID, and optional extra
     * properties used to qualify the lookup.
     * @param name The _unique_ name of the resulting resource.
     * @param id The _unique_ provider ID of the resource to lookup.
     * @param opts Optional settings to control the behavior of the CustomResource.
    public static get(name: string, id: pulumi.Input<pulumi.ID>, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions): CronTab {
        return new CronTab(name, undefined as any, { ...opts, id: id });

    /** @internal */
    public static readonly __pulumiType = '';

     * Returns true if the given object is an instance of CronTab.  This is designed to work even
     * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
    public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is CronTab {
        if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
            return false;
        return obj['__pulumiType'] === CronTab.__pulumiType;

    public readonly apiVersion!: pulumi.Output<"" | undefined>;
    public readonly kind!: pulumi.Output<"CronTab" | undefined>;
    public readonly metadata!: pulumi.Output<ObjectMeta | undefined>;
    public readonly spec!: pulumi.Output<outputs.stable.v1.CronTabSpec | undefined>;

     * Create a CronTab resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
     * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.
     * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.
     * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    constructor(name: string, args?: CronTabArgs, opts?: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) {
        let inputs: pulumi.Inputs = {};
        if (!(opts && {
            inputs["apiVersion"] = "";
            inputs["kind"] = "CronTab";
            inputs["metadata"] = args ? args.metadata : undefined;
            inputs["spec"] = args ? args.spec : undefined;
        } else {
            inputs["apiVersion"] = undefined /*out*/;
            inputs["kind"] = undefined /*out*/;
            inputs["metadata"] = undefined /*out*/;
            inputs["spec"] = undefined /*out*/;
        if (!opts) {
            opts = {}

        if (!opts.version) {
            opts.version = utilities.getVersion();
        super(CronTab.__pulumiType, name, inputs, opts);

 * The set of arguments for constructing a CronTab resource.
export interface CronTabArgs {
    readonly apiVersion?: pulumi.Input<"">;
    readonly kind?: pulumi.Input<"CronTab">;
    readonly metadata?: pulumi.Input<ObjectMeta>;
    readonly spec?: pulumi.Input<inputs.stable.v1.CronTabSpec>;

// crontabs/provider.ts
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as utilities from "./utilities";

export class Provider extends pulumi.ProviderResource {
    /** @internal */
    public static readonly __pulumiType = 'crds';

     * Returns true if the given object is an instance of Provider.  This is designed to work even
     * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
    public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Provider {
        if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
            return false;
        return obj['__pulumiType'] === Provider.__pulumiType;

     * Create a Provider resource with the given unique name, arguments, and options.
     * @param name The _unique_ name of the resource.
     * @param args The arguments to use to populate this resource's properties.
     * @param opts A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    constructor(name: string, args?: ProviderArgs, opts?: pulumi.ResourceOptions) {
        let inputs: pulumi.Inputs = {};
        if (!opts) {
            opts = {}

        if (!opts.version) {
            opts.version = utilities.getVersion();
        super(Provider.__pulumiType, name, inputs, opts);

 * The set of arguments for constructing a Provider resource.
export interface ProviderArgs {
// crontabs/utilities.ts
export function getEnv(...vars: string[]): string | undefined {
    for (const v of vars) {
        const value = process.env[v];
        if (value) {
            return value;
    return undefined;

export function getEnvBoolean(...vars: string[]): boolean | undefined {
    const s = getEnv(...vars);
    if (s !== undefined) {
        // NOTE: these values are taken from, which is what
        // Terraform uses internally when parsing boolean values.
        if (["1", "t", "T", "true", "TRUE", "True"].find(v => v === s) !== undefined) {
            return true;
        if (["0", "f", "F", "false", "FALSE", "False"].find(v => v === s) !== undefined) {
            return false;
    return undefined;

export function getEnvNumber(...vars: string[]): number | undefined {
    const s = getEnv(...vars);
    if (s !== undefined) {
        const f = parseFloat(s);
        if (!isNaN(f)) {
            return f;
    return undefined;

export function getVersion(): string {
    let version = require('./package.json').version;
    // Node allows for the version to be prefixed by a "v", while semver doesn't.
    // If there is a v, strip it off.
    if (version.indexOf('v') === 0) {
        version = version.slice(1);
    return version;
// crontabs/types/index.ts
import * as input from "./input";
import * as output from "./output";
export {input, output};
// crontabs/types/input.ts
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as inputs from "../types/input";
import * as outputs from "../types/output";

import {ObjectMeta} from "../meta/v1";

export namespace stable {
    export namespace v1 {
        export interface CronTabSpec {
            cronSpec?: pulumi.Input<string>;
            image?: pulumi.Input<string>;
            replicas?: pulumi.Input<number>;

// crontabs\types\output.ts
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as inputs from "../types/input";
import * as outputs from "../types/output";

import {ObjectMeta} from "../meta/v1";

export namespace stable {
    export namespace v1 {
        export interface CronTabSpec {
            cronSpec?: string;
            image?: string;
            replicas?: number;

kingpeti avatar Jan 30 '21 23:01 kingpeti

Also running into this. Looking through the source code, it seems like the feature simply doesn't exist despite being documented.

edit: it was deleted after 1.0.4. Can we please put it back? :)

For now, I've worked around this by reverting to 1.0.4.

tmehlinger avatar Feb 08 '21 17:02 tmehlinger

Indeed I can generate the Definition file with version 1.0.4 but I encounter another issue :'( .

For exmple, I try to generate a CRD from the file of prometheus servicemonitor

Everithing goes fine with the command crd2pulumi --nodejsPath ./crontabs resourcedefinition.yaml

But when I try to use it from pulumi with the following code :

  const serviceMonitorDefinitionCrd = new ServiceMonitorDefinition(

I get the following error : (ServiceMonitorCRD):
    error: resource was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : "" is invalid:[spec].properties[endpoints][targetPort].type: Required value: must not be empty for specified object fields

Here is the generated part that raise the error :

targetPort: {
  anyOf: [
      type: 'integer',
      type: 'string',
    'Name or number of the target port of the Pod behind the Service, the port must be specified with container port property. Mutually exclusive with port.',
  x_kubernetes_int_or_string: true,

It's looks like an error due to multiple type definition.

If you want more error exmple, almost all CRD from this repo raise the same error

Kamaradeivanov avatar Feb 12 '21 10:02 Kamaradeivanov

Guys this issue is still active almost a year after, this is not serious at all. Your tool crd2pulumi is clearly unusable for our company. We try to used it to manage a prometheus-stack but with the recent issue regarding the last-applied-configuration we cant even update our stack from pulumi .... We will move to another solution to manage our kubernetes cluster, probably a real gitops tools like argocd.

Kamaradeivanov avatar Dec 07 '21 11:12 Kamaradeivanov

We do not intend on supporting this feature in crd2pulumi. This tool is meant for generating strongly typed SDKs from a given CRD manifest.

rquitales avatar Sep 13 '24 23:09 rquitales