actions copied to clipboard
Add summary to PR comments
- Vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction
- If you want to implement this feature, comment to let us know (we'll work with you on design, scheduling, etc.)
Issue details
It would be useful to have a brief summary in PR comments just before the Pulumi output, including a URL to view the details in Pulumi Cloud along with a summary of the changes, to see an overall view without having to expand the full output and scroll to the bottom.
Affected area/feature
PR comments
If someone wants a working code snippet for GitHub yaml:
- name: Run pulumi preview
working-directory: ${{ env.WORK_DIR }}
shell: bash -e -o pipefail {0}
run: |
pulumi preview -s ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} --diff --save-plan plan.json $PULUMI_ARGS | \
tee ${{ runner.temp }}/preview.out
- name: Upload plan
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.PULUMI_PLAN_ARTIFACT }}
path: ${{ env.WORK_DIR }}/plan.json
- name: Handle plan output
id: plan
shell: python
working-directory: ${{ env.WORK_DIR }}
run: |
import collections
import json
import os
with open('plan.json') as f:
plan = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
table = [('', 'Name', 'Type', 'Operation')]
any_changed = False
longest_name_len = 0
longest_typ_len = 0
resource_plans = plan.get('resourcePlans', collections.OrderedDict())
for urn, resource_plan in resource_plans.items():
changed = False
steps = resource_plan.get('steps', [])
goal = resource_plan.get('goal', {})
name = goal.get('name', '?')
typ = goal.get('type', '?')
op = 'unset-fixme'
diff_op = ''
if steps != ['same']:
changed = True
if 'create-replacement' in steps:
op = 'create-replacement'
diff_op = '+-'
elif 'replace' in steps:
op = 'replace'
diff_op = '+-'
elif 'create' in steps:
op = 'create'
diff_op = '+'
elif 'delete' in steps:
op = 'delete'
diff_op = '-'
# special case, no goal is set
_, _, typ, name = urn.split('::')
typ = typ.split('$')[-1]
elif 'update' in steps:
op = 'update'
diff_op = '!~'
op = 'unknown-fixme'
diff_op = ''
if goal.get('inputDiff', {}) != {}:
if not changed:
op = 'refresh'
diff_op = ''
changed = True
if goal.get('outputDiff', {}) != {}:
if not changed:
op = 'refresh'
diff_op = ''
changed = True
if changed:
any_changed = True
longest_name_len = max(longest_name_len, len(name))
longest_typ_len = max(longest_typ_len, len(typ))
table.append((diff_op, name, typ, op))
diff_op_len = 2
colspace = ' ' * 2
output = ''
if any_changed:
output += '## Resource Changes (${{ inputs.app_name }}/${{ inputs.stack_name }})\n'
output += '```diff\n'
for row in table:
diff_op, name, typ, op = row
output += f'{diff_op:2}{colspace}{name:{longest_name_len}}{colspace}{typ:{longest_typ_len}}{colspace}{op}\n'
output += '```\n'
output += '## No Resource Changes (${{ inputs.app_name }}/${{ inputs.stack_name }})\n'
print('No changes to apply. Update job will be skipped.')
with open(os.environ['GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY'], 'a') as f:
with open(os.environ['GITHUB_OUTPUT'], 'a') as f:
This python snippet currently prints the diff in diff
format to the Summary section.
Could be worked around a little to print to PR as well.