pulsar copied to clipboard
text-editor-component.js Error: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined
Thanks in advance for your bug report!
- [ ] Have you reproduced issue in safe mode?
- [X] Have you used the debugging guide to try to resolve the issue?
- [X] Have you checked our FAQs to make sure your question isn't answered there?
- [X] Have you checked to make sure your issue does not already exist?
- [X] Have you checked you are on the latest release of Pulsar?
What happened?
Firstly, I cannot reproduce the error because I don't know how it happened. I just re-focused Pulsar after working in a different program (a browser). But I had to tick the above box, but no I didn't do it in safe mode. Hope that's okay for once?
I got the shiny red box that said "This is likely a bug in Pulsar. You can help by creating an issue".
So I have. But, aside from focusing a Pulsar window with about 10 open documents in it, I didn't do anything else.
`Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined
/opt/Pulsar/resources/app.asar/src/text-editor-component.js:1776 Hide Stack Trace TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined at TextEditorComponent.didScrollDummyScrollbar (/opt/Pulsar/resources/app.asar/src/text-editor-component.js:1776:37)`
Pulsar version
1.113.0 (x64)
Which OS does this happen on?
🐧 Debian based (Linux Mint, Ubuntu, etc.)
OS details
Linux Mint 21 (Cinnamon 5.4.12, Linux Kernel: 6.5.0-17-generic)
Which CPU architecture are you running this on?
What steps are needed to reproduce this?
- Spend time in a different window
- Alt-tab to Pulsar window (that's all I did and I can't reproduce it, as mentioned above)
Additional Information:
No response
Thanks a ton for reporting this issue! We will have to take a look at it
Can you insert a list of community packages have you installed?
Sure, but it's pretty long!
atom-complete-php atom-beautify atom-minify atom-php-lookup atom-tag-wrapper atom-wordpress autoclose-tags autocomplete-wordpress-hooks autosave-onchange busy-signal click-bookmarks csslint goto-definition highlight-bad-chars highlight-colors intentions keybinding-cheatsheet language-htaccess language-ini linter linter-eslint linter-php linter-ui-default php-hover-documentation php-tools project-manager project-manager-ide smart-html-tags tool-bar tool-bar-main uglify-html wordpress-api wordpress-autocomplete wordpress-dictionary
I had something similar happen to me.
- [ ] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
- Reproduced the problem in Safe Mode: https://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/sections/debugging/#using-safe-mode
- Followed all applicable steps in the debugging guide: https://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/sections/debugging/
- Checked the FAQs on the message board for common solutions: https://discuss.atom.io/c/faq
- Checked that your issue isn't already filed: https://github.com/issues?q=is%3Aissue+user%3Aatom
- Checked that there is not already an Pulsar package that provides the described functionality: https://atom.io/packages
The error just occured when starting Pulsar.
Steps to Reproduce
- Close Pulsar with project and files open
- Reboot machine
- Start Pulsar
Expected behavior:
no errors
Actual behavior:
this error
Pulsar: 1.118.0 x64 Electron: 12.2.3 OS: Pop!_OS 22.04 Thrown From: Pulsar Core
Stack Trace
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined
At /opt/Pulsar/resources/app.asar/src/text-editor-component.js:1776
TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined
at TextEditorComponent.didScrollDummyScrollbar (/app.asar/src/text-editor-component.js:1776:37)
Non-Core Packages
atom-clock 0.1.18
atom-django 0.3.2
atom-easy-jsdoc 4.12.5
atom-file-icons 0.7.1
atom-ide-base 3.4.0
atom-ide-code-format 1.0.3
atom-ide-datatip 0.25.0
atom-ide-debugger-python 0.7.3
atom-ide-definitions 0.4.2
atom-ide-hyperclick 1.0.11
atom-ide-markdown-service 2.1.0
atom-ide-outline 3.2.0
atom-ide-signature-help 0.16.0
atom-ide-ui 0.13.0
atom-material-syntax 1.0.8
atom-material-syntax-light 0.4.6
atom-material-ui 2.1.3
atom-mermaid 3.7.1
atom-solarized-dark-ui 0.28.1
atom-typescript 14.4.0
atom-visual-studio-code-light-ui 2.1.0
autocomplete-lua 0.9.2
autocomplete-paths 2.17.0
base16-syntax 1.8.1
busy-signal 2.0.1
city-lights-syntax 1.1.8
city-lights-ui 1.5.3
clear-night-syntax 1.3.18
django-templates 0.5.0
dracula-night-syntax 0.5.0
dracula-syntax 3.0.2
editorconfig 2.6.1
file-icons 2.1.47
font-preview 0.1.2
front-icons 1.18.0
git-blame 1.8.0
gl-light-syntax 3.0.0
hip-light-ui-theme 1.1.1
ide-csharp 0.6.2
ide-css 0.4.0
ide-typescript 0.9.5
ide-yaml 0.8.0
intentions 2.1.1
javascript-drag-import 0.1.13
language-hjson 1.0.2
language-ini-desktop 1.18.3
language-latex 1.2.0
language-log 1.10.1
language-lua 0.9.11
language-mermaid 0.6.0
language-svg 0.9.2
latex-tree 0.5.0
linter 3.4.0
linter-eslint 9.0.1
linter-luaparse 0.2.0
linter-spell 0.15.0
linter-ui-default 3.4.1
markdown-code-blocks 1.3.0
one-light-material-syntax 1.10.0
pdfjs-viewer 1.3.0
pop-contrast-syntax 0.4.1
pop-syntax 0.5.0
pop-ui 0.6.1
pp-markdown 0.0.2
project-manager 3.3.8
pulsar-ide-python 1.11.1
spell-check-urls 0.5.1
summer-night-syntax 2.0.1
svg-icons 0.8.1
svg-preview 0.14.0
svgo 5.0.0
tomorrow-night-eighties-syntax 1.1.0
too-much-sunlight-syntax 0.1.0
unleash-django 1.3.2
wasco-syntax 1.2.0