cvdrone copied to clipboard
multicolor tracking
hello there, you help me alot on my final project.
can you help me about tracking multicolor? because i need to track like green,blue,red, and black in ar drone camera.
thanks :)
This is it !
#include "ardrone/ardrone.h"
// Thresholds
class Thresholds {
Thresholds() {
minH = minS = minV = 0;
maxH = maxS = maxV = 255;
int minH, maxH;
int minS, maxS;
int minV, maxV;
// Find the largest object in a binalized image
cv::Rect findLargestBoundingRect(cv::Mat img)
cv::Rect rect;
cv::Mat tmp = img.clone();
// De-noising
cv::Mat kernel = getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3));
cv::morphologyEx(tmp, tmp, cv::MORPH_CLOSE, kernel);
// Detect contours
std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
cv::findContours(tmp, contoursRed, cv::RETR_CCOMP, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
// Find largest contour
int contour_index = -1;
double max_area = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) {
double area = fabs(cv::contourArea(contours[i]));
if (area > max_area) {
contour_index = i;
max_area = area;
// Object detected
if (contour_index >= 0) {
rect = cv::boundingRect(contours[contour_index]);
return rect;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// main(Number of arguments, Argument values)
// Description : This is the entry point of the program.
// Return value : SUCCESS:0 ERROR:-1
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// AR.Drone class
ARDrone ardrone;
// Initialize
if (! {
std::cout << "Failed to initialize." << std::endl;
return -1;
// XML save data
std::string filename("thresholds.xml");
cv::FileStorage fs(filename, cv::FileStorage::READ);
// If there is a save file then read it
Thresholds thblue, thGreen, thBlue, thBlack;
if (fs.isOpened()) {
thRed.maxH = fs["H_MAX_RED"];
thRed.minH = fs["H_MIN_RED"];
thRed.maxS = fs["S_MAX_RED"];
thRed.minS = fs["S_MIN_RED"];
thRed.maxV = fs["V_MAX_RED"];
thRed.minV = fs["V_MIN_RED"];
thGreen.maxH = fs["H_MAX_GREEN"];
thGreen.minH = fs["H_MIN_GREEN"];
thGreen.maxS = fs["S_MAX_GREEN"];
thGreen.minS = fs["S_MIN_GREEN"];
thGreen.maxV = fs["V_MAX_GREEN"];
thGreen.minV = fs["V_MIN_GREEN"];
thBlue.maxH = fs["H_MAX_BLUE"];
thBlue.minH = fs["H_MIN_BLUE"];
thBlue.maxS = fs["S_MAX_BLUE"];
thBlue.minS = fs["S_MIN_BLUE"];
thBlue.maxV = fs["V_MAX_BLUE"];
thBlue.minV = fs["V_MIN_BLUE"];
thBlack.maxH = fs["H_MAX_BLACK"];
thBlack.minH = fs["H_MIN_BLACK"];
thBlack.maxS = fs["S_MAX_BLACK"];
thBlack.minS = fs["S_MIN_BLACK"];
thBlack.maxV = fs["V_MAX_BLACK"];
thBlack.minV = fs["V_MIN_BLACK"];
// Create a window
cv::createTrackbar("H max", "red", &thRed.maxH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("H min", "red", &thRed.minH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S max", "red", &thRed.maxS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S min", "red", &thRed.minS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V max", "red", &thRed.maxV, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V min", "red", &thRed.minV, 255);
cv::resizeWindow("red", 0, 0);
cv::createTrackbar("H max", "green", &thGreen.maxH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("H min", "green", &thGreen.minH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S max", "green", &thGreen.maxS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S min", "green", &thGreen.minS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V max", "green", &thGreen.maxV, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V min", "green", &thGreen.minV, 255);
cv::resizeWindow("green", 0, 0);
cv::createTrackbar("H max", "blue", &thBlue.maxH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("H min", "blue", &thBlue.minH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S max", "blue", &thBlue.maxS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S min", "blue", &thBlue.minS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V max", "blue", &thBlue.maxV, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V min", "blue", &thBlue.minV, 255);
cv::resizeWindow("blue", 0, 0);
cv::createTrackbar("H max", "black", &thBlack.maxH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("H min", "black", &thBlack.minH, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S max", "black", &thBlack.maxS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("S min", "black", &thBlack.minS, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V max", "black", &thBlack.maxV, 255);
cv::createTrackbar("V min", "black", &thBlack.minV, 255);
cv::resizeWindow("black", 0, 0);
// Main loop
while (1) {
// Key input
int key = cv::waitKey(33);
if (key == 0x1b) break;
// Get an image
cv::Mat image = ardrone.getImage();
// HSV image
cv::Mat hsv;
cv::cvtColor(image, hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL);
// Binalize
cv::Mat red, green, blue, black;
cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thRed.minH, thRed.minS, thRed.minV), cv::Scalar(thRed.maxH, thRed.maxS, thRed.maxV), red);
cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thGreen.minH, thGreen.minS, thGreen.minV), cv::Scalar(thGreen.maxH, thGreen.maxS, thGreen.maxV), green);
cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thBlue.minH, thBlue.minS, thBlue.minV), cv::Scalar(thBlue.maxH, thBlue.maxS, thBlue.maxV), blue);
cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thBlack.minH, thBlack.minS, thBlack.minV), cv::Scalar(thBlack.maxH, thBlack.maxS, thBlack.maxV), black);
// Show results
cv::imshow("red", red);
cv::imshow("green", green);
cv::imshow("blue", blue);
cv::imshow("black", black);
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(red), cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(green), cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(blue), cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(black), cv::Scalar(0,0,0));
// Display the image
cv::imshow("camera", image);
// Save thresholds, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
if (fs.isOpened()) {
cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_RED", thRed.maxH);
cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_RED", thRed.minH);
cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_RED", thRed.maxS);
cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_RED", thRed.minS);
cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_RED", thRed.maxV);
cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_RED", thRed.minV);
cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_GREEN", thGreen.maxH);
cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_GREEN", thGreen.minH);
cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_GREEN", thGreen.maxS);
cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_GREEN", thGreen.minS);
cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_GREEN", thGreen.maxV);
cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_GREEN", thGreen.minV);
cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_BLUE", thBlue.maxH);
cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_BLUE", thBlue.minH);
cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_BLUE", thBlue.maxS);
cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_BLUE", thBlue.minS);
cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_BLUE", thBlue.maxV);
cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_BLUE", thBlue.minV);
cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_BLACK", thBlack.maxH);
cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_BLACK", thBlack.minH);
cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_BLACK", thBlack.maxS);
cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_BLACK", thBlack.minS);
cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_BLACK", thBlack.maxV);
cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_BLACK", thBlack.minV);
// See you
return 0;
thank you very much for the program, and now, can you tell me how to get the sensor data from the quadrotor?
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 8:45 PM, puku0x [email protected] wrote:
This is it !
#include "ardrone/ardrone.h" // Thresholdsclass Thresholds {public: Thresholds() { minH = minS = minV = 0; maxH = maxS = maxV = 255; } int minH, maxH; int minS, maxS; int minV, maxV; }; // Find the largest object in a binalized image cv::Rect findLargestBoundingRect(cv::Mat img) { cv::Rect rect; cv::Mat tmp = img.clone();
// De-noising cv::Mat kernel = getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(3, 3)); cv::morphologyEx(tmp, tmp, cv::MORPH_CLOSE, kernel); // Detect contours std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point> > contours; cv::findContours(tmp, contoursRed, cv::RETR_CCOMP, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); // Find largest contour int contour_index = -1; double max_area = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++) { double area = fabs(cv::contourArea(contours[i])); if (area > max_area) { contour_index = i; max_area = area; } } // Object detected if (contour_index >= 0) { rect = cv::boundingRect(contours[contour_index]); } return rect;
} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------// main(Number of arguments, Argument values)// Description : This is the entry point of the program.// Return value : SUCCESS:0 ERROR:-1// --------------------------------------------------------------------------int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // AR.Drone class ARDrone ardrone;
// Initialize if (! { std::cout << "Failed to initialize." << std::endl; return -1; } // XML save data std::string filename("thresholds.xml"); cv::FileStorage fs(filename, cv::FileStorage::READ); // If there is a save file then read it Thresholds thblue, thGreen, thBlue, thBlack; if (fs.isOpened()) { thRed.maxH = fs["H_MAX_RED"]; thRed.minH = fs["H_MIN_RED"]; thRed.maxS = fs["S_MAX_RED"]; thRed.minS = fs["S_MIN_RED"]; thRed.maxV = fs["V_MAX_RED"]; thRed.minV = fs["V_MIN_RED"]; thGreen.maxH = fs["H_MAX_GREEN"]; thGreen.minH = fs["H_MIN_GREEN"]; thGreen.maxS = fs["S_MAX_GREEN"]; thGreen.minS = fs["S_MIN_GREEN"]; thGreen.maxV = fs["V_MAX_GREEN"]; thGreen.minV = fs["V_MIN_GREEN"]; thBlue.maxH = fs["H_MAX_BLUE"]; thBlue.minH = fs["H_MIN_BLUE"]; thBlue.maxS = fs["S_MAX_BLUE"]; thBlue.minS = fs["S_MIN_BLUE"]; thBlue.maxV = fs["V_MAX_BLUE"]; thBlue.minV = fs["V_MIN_BLUE"]; thBlack.maxH = fs["H_MAX_BLACK"]; thBlack.minH = fs["H_MIN_BLACK"]; thBlack.maxS = fs["S_MAX_BLACK"]; thBlack.minS = fs["S_MIN_BLACK"]; thBlack.maxV = fs["V_MAX_BLACK"]; thBlack.minV = fs["V_MIN_BLACK"]; fs.release(); } // Create a window cv::namedWindow("red"); cv::createTrackbar("H max", "red", &thRed.maxH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("H min", "red", &thRed.minH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S max", "red", &thRed.maxS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S min", "red", &thRed.minS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V max", "red", &thRed.maxV, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V min", "red", &thRed.minV, 255); cv::resizeWindow("red", 0, 0); cv::namedWindow("green"); cv::createTrackbar("H max", "green", &thGreen.maxH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("H min", "green", &thGreen.minH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S max", "green", &thGreen.maxS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S min", "green", &thGreen.minS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V max", "green", &thGreen.maxV, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V min", "green", &thGreen.minV, 255); cv::resizeWindow("green", 0, 0); cv::namedWindow("blue"); cv::createTrackbar("H max", "blue", &thBlue.maxH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("H min", "blue", &thBlue.minH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S max", "blue", &thBlue.maxS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S min", "blue", &thBlue.minS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V max", "blue", &thBlue.maxV, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V min", "blue", &thBlue.minV, 255); cv::resizeWindow("blue", 0, 0); cv::namedWindow("black"); cv::createTrackbar("H max", "black", &thBlack.maxH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("H min", "black", &thBlack.minH, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S max", "black", &thBlack.maxS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("S min", "black", &thBlack.minS, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V max", "black", &thBlack.maxV, 255); cv::createTrackbar("V min", "black", &thBlack.minV, 255); cv::resizeWindow("black", 0, 0); // Main loop while (1) { // Key input int key = cv::waitKey(33); if (key == 0x1b) break; // Get an image cv::Mat image = ardrone.getImage(); // HSV image cv::Mat hsv; cv::cvtColor(image, hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL); // Binalize cv::Mat red, green, blue, black; cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thRed.minH, thRed.minS, thRed.minV), cv::Scalar(thRed.maxH, thRed.maxS, thRed.maxV), red); cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thGreen.minH, thGreen.minS, thGreen.minV), cv::Scalar(thGreen.maxH, thGreen.maxS, thGreen.maxV), green); cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thBlue.minH, thBlue.minS, thBlue.minV), cv::Scalar(thBlue.maxH, thBlue.maxS, thBlue.maxV), blue); cv::inRange(hsv, cv::Scalar(thBlack.minH, thBlack.minS, thBlack.minV), cv::Scalar(thBlack.maxH, thBlack.maxS, thBlack.maxV), black); // Show results cv::imshow("red", red); cv::imshow("green", green); cv::imshow("blue", blue); cv::imshow("black", black); cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(red), cv::Scalar(255,0,0)); cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(green), cv::Scalar(0,255,0)); cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(blue), cv::Scalar(0,0,255)); cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(black), cv::Scalar(0,0,0)); // Display the image cv::imshow("camera", image); } // Save thresholds, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); if (fs.isOpened()) { cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_RED", thRed.maxH); cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_RED", thRed.minH); cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_RED", thRed.maxS); cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_RED", thRed.minS); cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_RED", thRed.maxV); cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_RED", thRed.minV); cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_GREEN", thGreen.maxH); cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_GREEN", thGreen.minH); cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_GREEN", thGreen.maxS); cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_GREEN", thGreen.minS); cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_GREEN", thGreen.maxV); cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_GREEN", thGreen.minV); cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_BLUE", thBlue.maxH); cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_BLUE", thBlue.minH); cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_BLUE", thBlue.maxS); cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_BLUE", thBlue.minS); cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_BLUE", thBlue.maxV); cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_BLUE", thBlue.minV); cv::write(fs, "H_MAX_BLACK", thBlack.maxH); cv::write(fs, "H_MIN_BLACK", thBlack.minH); cv::write(fs, "S_MAX_BLACK", thBlack.maxS); cv::write(fs, "S_MIN_BLACK", thBlack.minS); cv::write(fs, "V_MAX_BLACK", thBlack.maxV); cv::write(fs, "V_MIN_BLACK", thBlack.minV); fs.release(); } // See you ardrone.close(); return 0;
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
Reza Prasetyo
Engineering Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Here is a sample code which gets sensor values from AR.Drone.
More API references are in
Regards, puku0x
anyway, the multi color tracking isnt working. help please
anyway, the multi color tracking isnt working. help please
On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:23 AM, puku0x [email protected] wrote:
Here is a sample code which gets sensor values from AR.Drone.
More API references are in
Regards, puku0x
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
Reza Prasetyo
Engineering Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
visual studio said "thresholds is undefined" help me thanks
On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Reza Prasetyo [email protected] wrote:
anyway, the multi color tracking isnt working. help please
On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:23 AM, puku0x [email protected] wrote:
Here is a sample code which gets sensor values from AR.Drone.
More API references are in
Regards, puku0x
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
Reza Prasetyo
Engineering Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Reza Prasetyo
Engineering Physics
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Did you add Thresholds class ?
// Thresholds
class Thresholds {
Thresholds() {
minH = minS = minV = 0;
maxH = maxS = maxV = 255;
int minH, maxH;
int minS, maxS;
int minV, maxV;
hello guys, I'm new here, but I was trying the code puku0x wrote above (Thank you very much) and it looks like the argument order is reversed when using cv::Scalar(...).
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(red), cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(green), cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(blue), cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(red), cv::Scalar(0,0,255));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(green), cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
cv::rectangle(image, findLargestBoundingRect(blue), cv::Scalar(255,0,0));
If this is not right, just ignore it. Thanks :)
hello guys, I use the same code and it said "'contoursRed': undeclared identifier" how do i fix this?