Adminator-admin-dashboard copied to clipboard
Is there an already built version of it?
HI where can I find a built version of this template? I would like to use it in a java/spring project
So I just need the html / js / css part where I can modify on my own without getting into the node environment. I don't want to do big changes !
If someone can build it and put it somewhere as a zip, that would be great.
Duplicate of #67 , if you have no further questions please close the ticket.
I'm sorry but I tend to agree, it looks really nice, just tried to build it on Linux and I'm running into multiple dependencies that need to be installed in order to build.
Installed: shx, cross-env
> shx rm -rf ./build
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn webpack ENOENT
at exports._errnoException (util.js:907:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:189:32)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:363:16)
at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:511:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:425:17)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:443:11)
at startup (node.js:140:18)
at node.js:1043:3
Not really user friendly :) Pre-compiled versions published to a repo by a build engine would be a lot nicer, or just a docker container that's ready to go if you really don't want to setup a build pipeline.
@AndreiCN I know it's a duplicate, but we were at least 3 persons asking without getting a built version. It's kind of frustrating. When we download ad open source software, we can download the source and build it, or download binaries and execute it without building. When I download Tomcat, they don't force me to have the JDK on my machine for example.
What is the reason here? are you still in development and want to have a "final" version before release it as a built version? In that case I can agree and wait, but I don't see any explanation on this.
Well it depends on which environment you're builing it, on Windows for instance with a proper usage you will get no errors. Nevertheless, we will work on a solution for this , thank you !
Cool, this would be nice! I really like the template :)
*puppy eyes: could you package up the current release and drop it somewhere as a zip/tar/whatever? I'm currently working on a project and I would like to use the template, but my build is failing as you can see :)
Not sure how useful this is to you, but here you go. This was built from a just-cloned repo using npm run build
on Windows.
Very useful, great, thanks a lot!
Integrating it in my project now :)
Thank you very much! I really appreciate this :)
Finally someone upload it Very useful . Thank you @mtik00
Problem is that entire javascript is minified in to the bundle and vendor.js. Is there anyway we can have that separated out so we have control over it?
I'd also like to use it with Java/Spring. So +1 for a version that supports that better
+1 for "normal" template in which exports and imports and splicing and buildings and compilings and npm-ing are all not needed. All files remaining in their normal, ordinary form - bootstrap stays in its normal folder...etc. This is awesome library that deserves universal usage and not restricted to persons that can do the above.
+1. I'd like to use this with Java/Play Framework. I managed to build the templeate however, but it's a bit tricky, imho. I have to install a lot of dependencies, build the template, and decompress the output since I need plain-old html/css to program my app's templates using its templates engine.
In this repository you can see this template in a laravel 6.x (blade) adaptation too. In the "public" folder you can get the javascript and css files not minified too.
Thank you bro @arriagadadev just in time I want to build laravel version of this
It's a pleasure, @idpdka remember to update laravel to version 7.x!
Problem is that entire javascript is minified in to the bundle and vendor.js. Is there anyway we can have that separated out so we have control over it?
In this case I just use the Prettier extension/formatter in vs code, it de-minifies all the code!
From 2.0.3 we prebuild both minified and unminified static assets for each release:
You can build these yourself as well, using npm run release:unminified
or npm run release:minified