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Datasets for Goal and Plan Recognition using Classical Planning Domains.

Goal and Plan Recognition Dataset


This repository contains datasets for goal and plan recognition as planning.

We created these datasets to evaluate goal/plan recognition approaches that use planning techniques.

We added 15 datasets with missing and full observations, and 4 datasets with missing and noisy observations.

  • Six of these datasets were created by Ramírez and Geffner, and they are available in: https://sites.google.com/site/prasplanning/. Based on these six datasets, which contain hundreds of goal/plan recognition problems, we added larger planning problems and generated new datasets from the remaining 9 planning domains;
  • The datasets with missing and noisy observations were generated based on the code provided by Sohrabi in https://github.com/shirin888/planrecogasplanning-ijcai16-benchmarks;

Each .tar.bz2 file represents a goal/plan recognition problem, containing a domain description (domain.pddl), an initial state (template.pddl), a set of candidate goals (hyps.dat), a correct hidden goal in the set of candidate goals (real_hyp.dat), and an observation sequence (obs.dat). An observation sequence contains actions that represent an optimal plan or sub-optimal plan that achieves a correct hidden goal, and this observation sequence can be full or partial. A full observation sequence represents the whole plan for a hidden goal, i.e., 100% of the actions having been observed. A partial observation sequence contains missing observations and represents a plan for a correct hidden goal with 10%, 30%, 50%, or 70% of its actions having been observed. For goal/plan recognition problems with noisy observations, the observability of partial observations is quite different because every observation sequence always includes 2 noisy observations, so a partial observation sequence with noisy observations represents a plan with 25%, 50%, or 75% of its actions having been observed.

These datasets were used in the experiments described in Landmark-Based Heuristics for Goal Recognition.