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Simple and unopinionated ACME client for Node.js

Results 17 node-acme-client issues
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` const [certificateKey, certificateCsr] = await acme.crypto.createCsr({ commonName: '*', altNames: [''] }); ` If I do this, I call the challengeCreateFn method at the same time. I want one call...

Current verification mechanism is not working as expected as I am trying to check for the TXT record in dns if it exists there. Is it possible to use our...

Heads up - new install today gives me this error: TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'toJSON' of object 'Error' at Function.assign () at Object.inherits (/node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js:362:19) axios just updated...

Since DNS challenge contains two tokens, and callback is called one after another, propagating challenges to NS server such as AWS Route 53 fails as two consecutive DNS updates fails...

Hello, So I am trying to add the certificate that I am creating to GCP's load balancer and it is telling me that the The SSL Certificate And Key Do...


ZeroSSL implement a 429 Too Many Requests error if you fire too many requests at once, even tho the code does one thing after another rather than all at once,...