leaflet-environmental-layers copied to clipboard
tileLayer not working
when we are opening https://publiclab.github.io/leaflet-environmental-layers/example/#lat=25.09&lon=-52.73&zoom=3&layers=Standard the tile layer is not loading as it loads earlier.
I think this is happening because classic styles are no longer supported. more information can be found here: 1: https://blog.mapbox.com/deprecating-studio-classic-styles-d8892ac38cb4 2: https://docs.mapbox.com/help/troubleshooting/migrate-legacy-static-tiles-api/?/=blog&utm_source=mapbox-blog&utm_campaign=blog%7Cmapbox-blog%7Cdoc-migrate-static%7Cdeprecating-studio-classic-styles-d8892ac38cb4-20-03&utm_term=doc-migrate-static&utm_content=deprecating-studio-classic-styles-d8892ac38cb4#leaflet-implementations
please let me know your thought on this.
Hey @saurabhkanswal , thanks for opening the issue. I think this is already solved by @jywarren recently. You can confirm by checking into main branch and see if tiles are rendered or not. Also we can deploy latest main changes to gh-page branch, would you like to work on it? Thanks 😄
@sagarpreet-chadha yes, the link has updated in the main branch. And yes, i love to solve the issue for gh-page branch. will make PR soon :)