leaflet-environmental-layers copied to clipboard
Creating tests for one liner implementation
When I tried to include tests for the one-liner implementation I got the error message
TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'L.LayerGroup.EnvironmentalLayers
I realized I needed to add files to the list in babel
to account for the ES6 code.
Here's the errors now:
In order to fix Symbol I've looked at grunt-polyfill
but it is depreciated. All instructions say to use core-js
now. @babel/preset-env
is supposed to have a built in option for this, however it is not working.
Here's the Babel Preset entries showing how Options are used: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options#plugin-preset-entries https://babeljs.io/docs/en/presets
And here is the code showing what it's looking for: https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/04354d155689405ba688d4b400702710f9cccc97/packages/babel-preset-env/src/options.js
Here's my code in Gruntfile.js
babel: {
options: {
sourceMap: true,
"presets": ['@babel/env', {
useBuiltIns: "entry"
"plugins": [
dist: {
files: {
"dist/util/layersBrowser_babel.js": "src/util/layersBrowser.js",
'dist/fracTrackerMobileLayer_babel.js': 'src/fracTrackerMobileLayer.js',
'dist/AllLayers_babel.js': 'src/AllLayers.js',
'dist/PLpeopleLayer_babel.js': 'src/PLpeopleLayer.js',
Which gives me this error:
Warning: [BABEL] /home/natalie/Dev/Ruby/public-lab/leaflet-environmental-layers/src/util/layersBrowser.js: Unknown option: .useBuiltIns.
At this point I'm going to see how else to get core-js into the Jasmine runtime.
In Gruntfile.js
under jasmine
I think this worked!
polyfills: [
At least for the Symbol error!
Instead of loading Leaflet in the Jasmine options the way I want to, I had to do it in a fixture in order to declare the window
variable first for it to use.
var window; // create window namespace for headless test
<script src="../../../node_modules/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
So that is not working, because it is not loading leaflet.js
when using the script
tag. If I add it to Gruntfile under jasmine vendors leaflet.js
loads, but doesn't have a window object so our LEL objects throw an error trying to access things.