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Create PR or issue template for to force logging of a change's impact on openness
The template would include only one question:
How does this affect the:
- openness
- accessibility
- ease with which someone can contribute
The purpose is to force logging of these considerations when making changes to our front door (, so that others can also understand or contribute to making changes even more effective.'s product requirements document (#101) may overlap with/provide the answers to this for some design and content changes.
(This idea emerged during a long conversation last week with @bvhme about how the design decisions we're making on increase or undermine users' understanding of the Foundation's open principles - open in nearly everything we do, welcoming to contributors, hackable. The other issue to emerge from the same conversation is jekyll-theme 62.)
I think this makes sense. It forces us to stop and think for a minute how a design change will affect our community in the future.
From a chat with @angelplasma, one option would be a PR template with a tickbox to be completed by the reviewer that they understand and agree with the openness implications of the change; it's the PR author's responsibility to explain these.