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Consider investments in improving documentation around the OpenZaak market consultation.
Improvements can be made on the documentation around the OpenZaak market consultation.
Easy enhancements
Improve how existing assets interlink. There are currently assets on https, the blog, the podcast, about and the openzaak market consultation repo. These do not all interlink.
- [ ] #1137
- [ ] market-consultation repo: add links to blog and podcast
- [x] podcast: add links to all
- [ ] about: add links to all(?) (currently only blog)
Possible mid-size enhancements
- [ ] market consultation repo: review the text from the perspective of a new and uninitiated reader and improve how well it explains what the content, goal and outcome was of this work
Questions to consider when deciding on prioritising and investing in new features
- does the market consultation remain a one-off, and investment can go into building a strong case study archive in the openzaak/market-consultation repo?
- is it likely vendor ecosystem set-up work will be repeated, and if so, should investing in extracting reusable process and learnings into About be prioritised? (incl how to use the workshops for this)
- is there enough interest to warrant follow up work to evaluate what the consultation enabled, potentially leading to a business case?