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Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity
Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials on how to use them together with web3js and solidity.
Creating keys and use them for ethereum transactions
In this tutorial we will create an ethereum-identity and use it to send transactions to the blockchain.
Sign and validate data with solidity
In this tutorial we will sign data in javascript and validate the signature inside of a smart-contract.
Sending encrypted and signed data to other identites
In this tutorial we will use the ethereum-identites and asymmetric cryptography to send an encrypted and signed message from Alice to Bob.
npm install eth-crypto --save
// es6
import EthCrypto from 'eth-crypto';
// node
const EthCrypto = require('eth-crypto');
- createIdentity()
- publicKeyByPrivateKey()
- publicKey.toAddress()
- publicKey.compress()
- publicKey.decompress()
- sign()
- recover()
- recoverPublicKey()
- encryptWithPublicKey()
- decryptWithPrivateKey()
- cipher.stringify()
- cipher.parse()
- signTransaction()
- txDataByCompiled()
- calculateContractAddress()
- hex.compress() hex.decompress()
Creates a new ethereum-identity with privateKey, publicKey and address as hex-string.
const identity = EthCrypto.createIdentity();
/* > {
address: '0x3f243FdacE01Cfd9719f7359c94BA11361f32471',
privateKey: '0x107be946709e41b7895eea9f2dacf998a0a9124acbb786f0fd1a826101581a07',
publicKey: 'bf1cc3154424dc22191941d9f4f50b063a2b663a2337e5548abea633c1d06ece...'
} */
You can also create an identity by providing your own entropy-buffer. Use this with caution, a bad entropy can result in an unsecure private key.
const entropy = Buffer.from('f2dacf...', 'utf-8'); // must contain at least 128 chars
const identity = EthCrypto.createIdentity(entropy);
/* > {
address: '0x59c8d4d645B0a3b230DE368d815ebDE372d37Ea8',
privateKey: '0x18cea40e44624867ddfd775b2898cdb2da29b4be92ee072b9eb02d43b6f2473a',
publicKey: '991ce4643653ef452327ee3d1a56af19c84599d340ffd427e784...'
} */
Derives the publicKey from a privateKey and returns it as hex-string.
const publicKey = EthCrypto.publicKeyByPrivateKey(
// > 'bf1cc3154424dc22191941d9f4f50b063a2b663a2337e5548abea633c1d06ece...'
Derives the ethereum-address from the publicKey.
const address = EthCrypto.publicKey.toAddress(
// > '0x3f243FdacE01Cfd9719f7359c94BA11361f32471'
Compresses an uncompressed publicKey.
const address = EthCrypto.publicKey.compress(
// > '03a34d6aef3eb42335fb3cacb59478c0b44c0bbeb8bb4ca427dbc7044157a5d24b' // compressed keys start with '02' or '03'
Decompresses a compressed publicKey.
const address = EthCrypto.publicKey.decompress(
// > 'a34d6aef3eb42335fb3cacb5947' // non-compressed keys start with '04' or no prefix
Signs the hash with the privateKey. Returns the signature as hex-string.
const message = 'foobar';
const messageHash = EthCrypto.hash.keccak256(message);
const signature = EthCrypto.sign(
'0x107be946709e41b7895eea9f2dacf998a0a9124acbb786f0fd1a826101581a07', // privateKey
messageHash // hash of message
// > '0xc04b809d8f33c46ff80c44ba58e866ff0d5..'
Recovers the signers address from the signature.
const signer = EthCrypto.recover(
EthCrypto.hash.keccak256('foobar') // signed message hash
// > '0x3f243FdacE01Cfd9719f7359c94BA11361f32471'
Recovers the signers publicKey
from the signature.
const signer = EthCrypto.recoverPublicKey(
'0xc04b809d8f33c46ff80c44ba58e866ff0d5..', // signature
EthCrypto.hash.keccak256('foobar') // message hash
// > 'bf1cc3154424dc22191941d9f4f50b063a2b663a2337e5548abea633c1d06ece..'
Encrypts the message with the publicKey so that only the corresponding privateKey can decrypt it. Returns (async) the encrypted data as object with hex-strings.
const encrypted = await EthCrypto.encryptWithPublicKey(
'bf1cc3154424dc22191941d9f4f50b063a2b663a2337e5548abea633c1d06ece...', // publicKey
'foobar' // message
/* > {
iv: '02aeac54cb45283b427bd1a5028552c1',
ephemPublicKey: '044acf39ed83c304f19f41ea66615d7a6c0068d5fc48ee181f2fb1091...',
ciphertext: '5fbbcc1a44ee19f7499dbc39cfc4ce96',
mac: '96490b293763f49a371d3a2040a2d2cb57f246ee88958009fe3c7ef2a38264a1'
} */
Decrypts the encrypted data with the privateKey. Returns (async) the message as string.
const message = await EthCrypto.decryptWithPrivateKey(
'0x107be946709e41b7895eea9f2dacf998a0a9124acbb786f0fd1a826101581a07', // privateKey
iv: '02aeac54cb45283b427bd1a5028552c1',
ephemPublicKey: '044acf39ed83c304f19f41ea66615d7a6c0068d5fc48ee181f2fb1091...',
ciphertext: '5fbbcc1a44ee19f7499dbc39cfc4ce96',
mac: '96490b293763f49a371d3a2040a2d2cb57f246ee88958009fe3c7ef2a38264a1'
} // encrypted-data
// 'foobar'
Transforms the object with the encrypted data into a smaller string-representation.
const str = EthCrypto.cipher.stringify({
iv: '02aeac54cb45283b427bd1a5028552c1',
ephemPublicKey: '044acf39ed83c304f19f41ea66615d7a6c0068d5fc48ee181f2fb1091...',
ciphertext: '5fbbcc1a44ee19f7499dbc39cfc4ce96',
mac: '96490b293763f49a371d3a2040a2d2cb57f246ee88958009fe3c7ef2a38264a1'
// > '59ab06532fc965b0107977f43e69e5a4038db32099dab281c8f5aece2852...'
Parses the string-representation back into the encrypted object.
const str = EthCrypto.cipher.parse('59ab06532fc965b0107977f43e69e5a4038db32099dab281c8f5aece2852...');
/* > {
iv: '02aeac54cb45283b427bd1a5028552c1',
ephemPublicKey: '044acf39ed83c304f19f41ea66615d7a6c0068d5fc48ee181f2fb1091...',
ciphertext: '5fbbcc1a44ee19f7499dbc39cfc4ce96',
mac: '96490b293763f49a371d3a2040a2d2cb57f246ee88958009fe3c7ef2a38264a1'
} */
Signs a raw transaction with the privateKey. Returns a serialized tx which can be submitted to the node.
const identity = EthCrypto.createIdentity();
const rawTx = {
from: identity.address,
to: '0x86Fa049857E0209aa7D9e616F7eb3b3B78ECfdb0',
value: new BN('1000000000000000000'),
gasPrice: 5000000000,
nonce: 0,
gasLimit: 21000
const signedTx = EthCrypto.signTransaction(
// > '071d3a2040a2d2cb...'
// you can now send the tx to the node
const receipt = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signedTx);
Creates the data-string which must be submitted with an transaction to create a contract-instance.
const SolidityCli = require('solidity-cli');
// create compiled solidity-code
const compiled = await SolidityCli.compileCode(
'contract ExampleContract {...'
const createCode = EthCrypto.txDataByCompiled(
compiled.interface, // abi
compiled.bytecode, // bytecode
[identity.address] // constructor-arguments
// now you can submit this to the blockchain
const serializedTx = EthCrypto.signTransaction(
from: identity.address,
nonce: 0,
gasLimit: 5000000,
gasPrice: 5000000000,
data: createCode
const receipt = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(serializedTx);
Calculates the address for the contract from the senders address and the nonce, without deploying it to the blockchain.
// pre-calculate address
const calculatedAddress = EthCrypto.calculateContractAddress(
account.address, // address of the sender
3 // nonce with which the contract will be deployed
const rawTx = {
from: account.address,
gasPrice: parseInt(gasPrice),
nonce: 3,
data: compiled.code
const receipt = await state.web3.eth.sendTransaction(rawTx);
console.log(receipt.contractAddress === calculatedAddress);
// > true
hex compress/decompress
"Compress" or "decompress" a hex-string to make it smaller. You can either compress to utf16 which reduces the size to about 1/4, or to base64 which reduces the size to about 4/5. This is not a real compression, it just make your string smaller when you have to store it in utf-16 anyways.
const hexString = '0x107be946709e41b7895eea9f2dacf998a0a9124acbb786f0fd1a826101581a07'; // 66 chars
const utf16 = EthCrypto.hex.compress(hexString); // compress to utf16
// > 'ၻ炞䆷襞ⶬ輦ꂩቊ쮷蛰ﴚ艡Řᨇ' // 16 chars
const base64 = EthCrypto.hex.compress(hexString, true); // compress to base64
// > 'EHvpRnCeQbeJXuqfLaz5mKCpEkrLt4bw/RqCYQFYGgc=' // 44 chars
EthCrypto.hex.decompress(utf16); // decompress from utf16
// > '0x107be946709e41b7895eea9f2d...'
EthCrypto.hex.decompress(base64, true); // decompress from base64
// > '0x107be946709e41b7895eea9f2d...'