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How to read the dart virtual code instructions?
Hi there
Seems the dart code is executed by VM, so even if we know the code offset, how can we read that? is there any guidance on how to read?
is this the right way to hook the code using frida?
function hook_native(){ var libc_base = Module.findExportByName('', '_kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions');
var libc_hook = libc_base.add(0x0000000000110608);
// var libc_hook_addr = libc_base.add(0x1b9c);
console.log('libc_hook: ' + libc_hook);
console.log('libc_base: ' + libc_base);
Interceptor.attach(libc_hook, {
onEnter: function(args) {
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
// console.log('arg[' + i + ']: ' + args[i]);
console.log('arg[' + i + ']: ' );
onLeave: function(retval) {
console.log('retval: ' + retval);