Peter Heywood
Peter Heywood
(I couldn't find an explicit issue about this). Resuming long running simulations (or especially ensembles, see #807) would be useful. I.e. to support pre-emptable jobs on HPC, simulations which may...
Currently `RunPlan` and `RunPlanVector` have several `operator+` and `operator+=` operator overloads, which combine one or more plans into a single RunPlanVector. I.e. (for illustration only) ``` flamegpu::RunPlanVector AB(model, 2); //...
Although Swig is now in master, some things are still missing + [x] Alternate Array approach (#400) + ~Shared memory brute-force message approach~ + [x] Missing Tests - [x] IO...
A python user encountered segfaults within a code which calls `cleanup` many times, when FLAME GPU used is used within a larger iterative process. This appears to be due to...
[`flamegpu/detail/compute_capability.cuh`]( and associated .cpp and CMake code uses the minimum CUDA version selected at CMake configuration time to provide a more user friendly runtime error when a too old GPU...
Running the circles_spatial3D example twice with visualisation enabled results in terminataion due to the end.xml already exsits error. This is not ideal for a visualisation example. ``` ./bin/Release/circles_spatial3D 100.00% Drift...
@Robadob has potentially found (and fixed?) an issue with the range of random values produced by `AgentRandom::uniform`. The test case for this is a little weak (i.e. it doesn't test...
When building the c++ tests suite with many cuda architectures enabled, significant amounts of host resource can be consumed, potentialyl causing compilation failures (I.e. CI errors during release CI) This...
Current CLI could be improved/extended to support user-provided cli args. ~ I.e. if a users wishes to provide environmetn vars from the command line in place of an initial states...
We should aim to be consistent with file structures in separate directores - i.e. unit tests should reflect the filestructure of what is being tested. This would be also be...