Peter Heywood
Peter Heywood
Recently encountered a subtle bug in a message iteration loop which was hard / time consuming to debug due to the non-determinism of the message loop, so this feature definately...
Macro Environment Properties also rely on atomics, so their use will likely result in non-deterministic simulations. Not aware of a sensible alternative that would be usable from within an agent...
> Agents are now sorted for spatial messaging, is a stable sort used? `HostAgentAPI::sort_async` uses `thrust::stable_sort_by_key`
If implemented this may impact the sorting of message lists to improve performance
Atleast one user has a use-case for this, where the absence of concurrent message output within a layer is negatively harming performance, due to the overheads / serialisation imposed by...
Deterministic alternative for conflict resolution would be to use a submodel, which performs stable-marriage like behaviour, feeding the resolved state back to the ancestor model. atomic mutability within a message...
> Not required but @ptheywood suggested that without it the runner can only poll and hence the integration and updating of progress is not great. This link you have sent...
To limit cost of AWS use, we can: + Use the cheapest nv image possible, with atleast a kepler generation GPU. We currently keep the test suite small so memory...
Short term solution: Sort on output every `N` iterations, where `N` is a parameter somewhere. Longer term: more thoroguh investigation, fancier decision.
CMake 3.17+ ships with a new `findCUDAToolkit` package which provides cmake imported targets for cuda sub-features such as nvrtc, and the cuda runtime itself (rather than just making the cuda...