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Update Script For Ptero Panel
Pterodactyl Panel Update Script
Compatibility: Pterodactyl 1.7+
cd /var/www/pterodactyl
chmod +x update
- Checks for proper PHP and Composer versions
- Set's Panel in Maintenance Mode
- Downloads Updated files for Latest Release
- Updates Dependencies
- Clears Cache for Views and Routes
- Performs Database Updates
- Sets the proper file permissions based on OS and Web Server Type
- Restarts Worker Queue
- Set's Application to Live
- Runs completely Unattended with no prompts.... is a feature?
- Bypasses Yes/No Prompts for Running Composer as Root
- Colors Might be too much
Proposed Future Update/Functionality
- Switch commands to bypass certain steps ( ex: ./update -nodb -nophpcheck -nocacheclear
This has been attempted before in #4103. However, this is already possible with php artisan p:upgrade
This has been attempted before in #4103. However, this is already possible with
php artisan p:upgrade
Am I right in saying that the upgrader is set to be removed, as it’s not working at the moment and replaced with a solution like this though
This has been attempted before in #4103. However, this is already possible with
php artisan p:upgrade
This PR here and #4103 are differnt things ;)
Pretty sure this is quite unlikely to be added as it isn't an Artisan command, eg: php artisan p:[command name]
Dane has said he would make a bash script for this, I'm guessing the PR is to do that for him