On first install it looks fine, but after first charging and firmware update (_not sure_) all broke ``` [12/7/2021, 11:45:09 PM] [Пылик] STA getDevice | Connected to: [12/7/2021, 11:45:09...
0. Thanks for the great flow! 1. Please add LINKS to HTTP API URLS =) 2. Please add statuses (`permit_join` and so on), it is hard to understand should I...
``` var graphData = 'digraph G {node[shape=record]; "0x00124b0018e1e995" [style="bold, filled", fillcolor="#e04e5d", fontcolor="#ffffff", label="{0x00124b0018e1e995|0x0 |No model information available|online (2019-08-04T11:49:02+04:00)}"]; "0x00124b0018e1e995" -> "0x00124b001d3b0628" [penwidth=0.5, weight=0, color="#994444", label="42"] "0x00124b0018e1e995" -> "0x00158d00031421a9" [penwidth=0.5, weight=0,...
Could you please consider Node-RED [integration]( Here is ancient [nodered node]( but it doesn't works properly.
``` [2019-2-1 19:02:49] Loading 3 platforms... [2019-2-1 19:02:49] [Config] Initializing config platform... [2019-2-1 19:02:49] [Config] Spawning homebridge-config-ui-x with PID 1103 [2019-2-1 19:02:49] [ZigBee] Initializing ZigBeePlatform platform... [2019-2-1 19:02:49] [ZigBee] ZigBee...
Колонка не появляется в списке устройств ( С другой стороны, оно работает на яндексовском телевизоре, в ридми этого нет )