Got any quick workaround for the sym exec to reach where RCX is assigned a const value? Btw se.run_at is not fully executed even after supplying lbl_stop!
Okay, I get it now! It stops because of the non-deterministic branching caused by SHR which got unresolved dependencies. I was wondering why there is a break in control-flow when...
Can't we do the below to replace the extra generated IR block? ```py # something like # sym = affect(sym) if cond else sym ExprCond( cond=cond_used_in_the_branching, src1=expr_that_is_in_the_generated_block, src2=org_symbol, ) ```
> The question is where to implement this logic. Should it be written in the AST node for function calls? Maybe implement in string literal decoder if need to inline...
**Rename:** GitHub issue number... -> GitHub issue id **Add:** images upload to showcase where the errors occurs.
also make the jsxbin input multiple if possible (not familiar with google forms, so im not sure if it is possible)
okay cool. make the text JSXBIN file -> JSXBIN File(s). so that people know they can upload more than one
Looking good!
I did checked out some and wasn't satisfied about the results. Gotta run some real test-cases to confirms. not having much time to focus on FOSS recently.
> Nice work. Can we add a CLI flag that enables this? Yeah. I'm integrating a new cli parser to make the cli easier to use. We can roll it...