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Integration of psycopg2 with coroutine libraries

psycogreen -- psycopg2 integration with coroutine libraries

The psycogreen_ package enables psycopg2 to work with coroutine libraries, using asynchronous calls internally but offering a blocking interface so that regular code can run unmodified.

Psycopg_ offers coroutines support__ since release 2.2. Because the main module is a C extension it cannot be monkey-patched to become coroutine-friendly. Instead it exposes a hook__ that coroutine libraries can use to install a function integrating with their event scheduler. Psycopg will call the function whenever it executes a libpq call that may block. psycogreen is a collection of "wait callbacks" useful to integrate Psycopg with different coroutine libraries.

.. _psycogreen: .. _Psycopg: .. __: .. __:

What about Psycopg 3?

The Psycopg 3_ module doesn't require psycogreen; psycogreen has no effect on Psycopg 3.

In Psycopg 3:

  • gevent is supported__ automatically from 3.1.14 on. Please avoid to use older versions.
  • Eventlet is currently not supported, as the project doesn't seem very active anymore. Support can be added if requested.
  • uWsgi is currently in maintenance mode, so Psycopg 3 support doesn't seem necessary.

.. _Psycopg 3: .. __:


pip install psycogreen

Module psycogreen.eventlet

Eventlet_ currently supports ```psycopg2out-of-the-box and ``psycogreen`` is not necessary. Seethe documentation`__ for patching instruction.

.. _Eventlet: .. __:

If for any reason you want to avoid using Eventlet monkeypatching you can use psycogreen.eventlet.patch_psycopg().

Function psycogreen.eventlet.patch_psycopg() Enable async processing in Psycopg integrated with the Eventlet events loop. It is performed by registering eventlet_wait_callback() as psycopg2 wait callback.

Function psycogreen.eventlet.eventlet_wait_callback(conn) A wait callback integrating with Eventlet events loop.

An example script showing concurrent usage of psycopg2 with urlopen() with Eventlet is available in |tests/|__.

.. |tests/| replace:: tests/ .. __:

Module psycogreen.gevent

In order to use psycopg2 asynchronously with gevent_ you can use psycogreen.gevent.patch_psycopg().

Function psycogreen.gevent.patch_psycopg() Enable async processing in Psycopg integrated with the gevent events loop. It is performed by registering gevent_wait_callback() as psycopg2 wait callback.

Function psycogreen.gevent.gevent_wait_callback(conn) A wait callback integrating with gevent events loop.

An example script showing concurrent usage of psycopg2 with urlopen() with gevent is available in |tests/|__.

.. _gevent: .. |tests/| replace:: tests/ .. __:

uWSGI green threads

Roberto De Ioris is writing uGreen__, a green thread implementation on top of the uWSGI async platform__.

.. __: .. __:

He has performed some tests using both psycopg2 async support__ and psycopg2 green support__ and has reported no problem in their stress tests with both the async styles.

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