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useOffsetInfiniteScrollQuery does not account for added/removed rows
Describe the bug I am using useOffsetInfiniteScrollQuery to achieve an Inifite-Scroll effect in my web application. The data is sorted by the created_at column (descending order) and loading more data (pageSize = 10) is working perfectly, until someone inserts or deletes a row. When I insert an row to my supabase DB using a stored procedure and then insert this manually to my SWR frontend cache via useUpsertItem this item gets added at index 0 to my data array, as it has the newest created_at value. It is also at position 0 in the DB table when sorting it using the created_at column. As the the "offset" value of the SQL query stayed the same, but in the sorted DB all rows were shifted one position down, the first row of the next page is the same as the last row of the previous page (so I am fetching 2 times the same row).
To Reproduce
Setup Infinite Scroll Query: const { data, loadMore, isValidating, error } = useOffsetInfiniteScrollQuery( supabase .from('books') .select('id, name, created_at') .order('created_at', { ascending: false }) //multiple rows can have the same created_at value, e.g. when using Batch inserts .order('id', { ascending: false }) { pageSize: 10 }, );
Add row to DB without this package by using a stored procedure
Insert the added row to the SWR Cache const upsertItem = useUpsertItem({ primaryKeys: ['id'], table: 'books', schema: 'public' }); upsertItem({id: '231c220d-f4d7-4ca9-8761-d1beee69cbb7', name: 'testbook', created_at: new Date().toISOString()})
Load more data loadMore() // This is the point where my described bug occurs. The last row of the first page and the first row of the second page are identical, as the offset-value has not changed, but so did the DB table.
Expected behavior I would expect that at some place I can "manually" adjust the offset. In my case where I add an element to the SWR cache I want to increase the Offset by one so instead of performing: SELECT "id", "name", "created_at" FROM "books" ORDER BY ... OFFSET 10 LIMIT 10
I want to perform: SELECT "id", "name", "created_at" FROM "books" ORDER BY ... OFFSET 11 LIMIT 10
And when I delete an Item via useDeleteItem I want to be able to decrease the offset by 1.
Additional context I cant use useCursorInfiniteScrollQuery, as the created_at column does not hold unique values (i.e. batch imports) and the package would need to be extended to support additional filters and also using >= created_at instead of > created_at (see Maybe this is also worth considering.