
Results 30 issues of pstein

In Holo Backup v2.0 on 64bit Win 7 I selected a backup folder OUTSIDE the installation folder. However this does NOT work. Holo Backup automatically always uses the sub folder...

I am currently living in the german timezone and have corresponding regional settings setup. When I start WuMgr v1.1b the GUI menus are in german. How can I switch GUI...

When I search for overlong filenames I got results beginning with D:\\misc\\..... In the result list these files are listed as D%3A%5Cmisc%5C.... So ":" is counted as 3 (!) chars...

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Assume I want to list only files which match the 3 different patterns then entering the following does not work: *.pdf *.log *.jpg Even when I concatenate them by a...


There is a bug. Only items with exactly the Min Path length are shown When I increase the minpathlength then NO results are shown although there are some!

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After MI is started I resize the window and move it to another position on screen. Unfortunately MI does not remember the new size and pos. Can this remembering added...


As far as I can see Thunderbird adds newly created folders at the end (!) of its already existing brothers. I guess the default sort order is by folder creation...

How to find out if npcap is currently installed on local Win system and if yes, which version? Of cause not by trial and error Same questions applies to wpcap

Much to my surprise even in v3.0 the basic drag & drop function is missing. So users still have to perform many clicks to navigate through a large directory tree...


When investigation MPV player I f found two similar video players: MPV (from and What are the differences? Is one a fork of the other?
