vuepress-plugin-tabs copied to clipboard
Vuepress plugin - markdown custom container to display content in tabs
Vuepress Plugin Tabs
Tabs Container for Vuepress
Expose vue-tabs-component as custom markdown container
Used with version >= 1.x.x of Vuepress. For version 0.x use vuepress-tabs
yarn add vuepress-plugin-tabs vue-tabs-component
npm install vuepress-plugin-tabs vue-tabs-component
Enable plugin in .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [ 'tabs' ]
import theme in .vuepress/styles/index.styl
@require '~vuepress-plugin-tabs/dist/themes/default.styl'
:::: tabs
::: tab title
__markdown content__
::: tab javascript
``` javascript
() => {
console.log('Javascript code example')
Tabs attributes
Everything after tabs will be passed to tabs component as attributes.
:::: tabs cache-lifetime="10" :options="{ useUrlFragment: false }"
::: tab "Tab Title" id="first-tab"
__markdown content__
::: tab javascript id="second-tab"
``` javascript
() => {
console.log('JavaScript code example')
Tab attributes
Everything after tab will be passed to tab component as attributes. Any value that does not have a name will be passed as the name attribute. Multiword names must be enclosed in quotes. Only one such value is valid.
:::: tabs
::: tab "Tab Title" id="first-tab"
__markdown content__
::: tab javascript id="second-tab"
``` javascript
() => {
console.log('JavaScript code example')