ahrs copied to clipboard
Sorry, I have a low-level problem. I don't understand how to use it in a browser. I tried to use it this way, but the result was incorrect
import AHRS from "ahrs";
import { Vector3 } from "three";
const rad2deg = 180.0 / Math.PI;
const deg2rad = Math.PI / 180.0;
const madgwick = new AHRS({
* The sample interval, in Hz.
* Default: 20
sampleInterval: 20,
* Choose from the `Madgwick` or `Mahony` filter.
* Default: 'Madgwick'
algorithm: 'Madgwick',
* The filter noise value, smaller values have
* smoother estimates, but have higher latency.
* This only works for the `Madgwick` filter.
* Default: 0.4
beta: 0.4,
* The filter noise values for the `Mahony` filter.
kp: 0.5, // Default: 0.5
ki: 0, // Default: 0.0
* When the AHRS algorithm runs for the first time and this value is
* set to true, then initialisation is done.
* Default: false
doInitialisation: false,
let gyro = new Vector3()
let acceleration = new Vector3()
let compass = new Vector3()
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', (event) => {
const alpha = event.webkitCompassHeading != null ? event.webkitCompassHeading : 360 - event.alpha;
compass.x = alpha
compass.y = event.beta
compass.z = event.gamma
window.addEventListener('devicemotion', (event) => {
gyro.x = event.rotationRate.alpha * deg2rad
gyro.y = event.rotationRate.beta * deg2rad
gyro.z = event.rotationRate.gamma * deg2rad
acceleration.x = event.acceleration.x
acceleration.y = event.acceleration.y
acceleration.z = event.acceleration.z
function update() {
I am developing an indoor map navigation web application and would like to use this library to correct the problem of inaccurate compass interference caused by magnetic fields
What error messages are you getting? ‘import’ likely doesn’t work, that’s new JS syntax. You may just need to use ‘require’ instead, search for “amd js require”.
您收到什么错误消息?“导入”可能不起作用,那是 新的 JS 语法。您可能只需要使用“require”来代替,搜索“amd js require”。
I am using the Rollup package plugin to use 'import' normally, but the compass head data obtained from using this plugin is incorrect
I need more information about this. Error messages, example data, what the actual problem is, etc.