ModernBusiness.OC.RazorPages copied to clipboard
Start Bootstrap's Modern Business Theme for Orchard Core as a decoupled Razor Pages Module
Start Bootstrap's Modern Business Theme for Orchard Core as a decoupled Razor Pages Module
Need to git clone into src/Themes.Pages/ModernBusiness.Theme/wwwroot/
Some things to note
- Your modules project (.csproj) files, if using the Razor Pages framework, should be using the Razor sdk, like so:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor">
- To have easy access to the OrchardHelper and related Orchard services, make sure your Razor Pages inherit from OrchardCore.DisplayManagement.RazorPages.Page like so
@inherits OrchardCore.DisplayManagement.RazorPages.Page
. This is done in _ViewImports.cshtml. This counts for razor views like partials as well, except, you inherit from OrchardCore.DisplayManagement.Razor.RazorPage<TModel> like so@inherits OrchardCore.DisplayManagement.Razor.RazorPage<TModel>
- In most modules, besides referencing
, you will want to referenceOrchardCore.DisplayManagement
- Every Razor Pages module needs a to add an AreaFolderRoute if it wants to be able to respond to requests. For example like:
services.Configure<RazorPagesOptions>(options =>
options.Conventions.AddAreaFolderRoute("ModernBusiness.Pages.Portfolio", "/", "");
- The _ViewStart of each module points to "Layout". The Layout will be resolved from the .Theme module, from
. - For the
(for 404 status cases), the Layout will be resolved fromViews
, as this is OC's default Layout location.
Known issues and things to do
- Search is currently not functional
- Tags are saved with a blog post, but no look up or tag cloud is currently implemented
- Tags do not link to posts with that tag yet
What to check out
- Multilingual pages, currently the Pricing Table is fully translated in Dutch, Portuguese and English
- The Full Width Page allows a user to be signed in
- Requesting a non existing page will result in a 404, themed accordingly
- This repo is setup to Continuesly Integrate and Deploy to: (demo tenant with the theme and modules from this repo) or behind Azure Front Door: