black icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
black copied to clipboard

No Emojis on PowerShell

Open adam-grant-hendry opened this issue 2 years ago • 26 comments

Describe the bug

I've read Issue #1031, but my terminal supports emojis, yet black is not printing them for some reason:


To Reproduce

Simply run pre-commit run --all with the following configuration settings:

pyproject.toml Configuration

line-length = 90
skip-string-normalization = true
target-version = ["py38"]
include = '.*\.pyi?$'
exclude = '\.eggs|\.git|\.mypy_cache|\.tox|\.venv|build|dist'

all = true
include = '.*\.pyi?$'
extend_exclude = 'stubs/vtkmodules-stubs/all.pyi|stubs/vtkmodules-stubs/web/camera.pyi'


minimum_pre_commit_version: "2.19.0"
fail_fast: true
  - repo:
    rev: 0.16.2
      - id: check-gitlab-ci
        name: (check-jsonschema) Check `.gitlab-ci.yml` formatted correctly

  - repo: local
      - id: pyupgrade
        name: (pyupgrade) Format source to latest python syntax
        language: system
        files: .*\.pyi?$
        entry: pyupgrade
        args: [

  - repo: local
      - id: pycln
        name: (pycln) Remove unused imports
        language: system
        files: .*\.pyi?$
        entry: pycln
        args: [

  - repo: local
      - id: black
        name: (black) Format source code
        language: system
        files: .*\.pyi?$
        entry: black

Expected behavior

Emoji's print


  • Black's version: 22.6.0
  • Pre-Commit's version: 2.19.0
  • Pycln's version: 2.0.1
  • OS and Python version: Windows 10 x64-bit
  • PowerShell: 7.2.5
  • VSCode: 1.68.1

adam-grant-hendry avatar Jul 06 '22 01:07 adam-grant-hendry

I might be wrong but I believe this is a pre-commit issue.

Jackenmen avatar Jul 06 '22 01:07 Jackenmen

I might be wrong but I believe this is a pre-commit issue.



adam-grant-hendry avatar Jul 06 '22 01:07 adam-grant-hendry

@jack1142 But then why do other packages work with pre-commit? (e.g. pycln in my example)

adam-grant-hendry avatar Jul 06 '22 01:07 adam-grant-hendry

@jack1142 The pre-commit author is saying it's most likely black's issue, so you guys are probably gonna have to hash this one out.

adam-grant-hendry avatar Jul 06 '22 02:07 adam-grant-hendry

@jack1142 The pre-commit author is saying it's most likely black's issue, so you guys are probably gonna have to hash this one out.

Just a warning/heads-up; nothing more.

adam-grant-hendry avatar Jul 06 '22 02:07 adam-grant-hendry

We could also consider blaming click, because click.echo is supposed to handle Unicode correctly for us:

JelleZijlstra avatar Jul 06 '22 14:07 JelleZijlstra

@JelleZijlstra Who will submit the issue with click?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Jul 07 '22 01:07 adam-grant-hendry

not sure if this is related, but i get broken emojis on windows command prompt:

.\black>py -m black ..\black_testo          
error: cannot format ..\black_testo\ Cannot parse: 3:12:     match x:dd

Oh no! 💥 💔 💥
1 file failed to reformat.

here it looks ok, but in pycharm it looks like this: image

nnrepos avatar Oct 27 '22 21:10 nnrepos

@JelleZijlstra Can you provide an update?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 adam-grant-hendry

I don't have any insights to share.

JelleZijlstra avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 JelleZijlstra

Did you open an issue with click?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 adam-grant-hendry

@ichard26 Can you provide insights?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 adam-grant-hendry

Sadly no.

ichard26 avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 ichard26

Sadly no.

Are there any black contributors who can help? Can someone be assigned to this?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 adam-grant-hendry

This is a volunteer project and you can't expect anyone to pick this up spontaneously. Personally I am unlikely to do anything more here because I can't reproduce the problem (I don't even have Windows) and I don't think I will enjoy digging into it.

JelleZijlstra avatar Oct 27 '22 22:10 JelleZijlstra

This is a volunteer project and you can't expect anyone to pick this up spontaneously.

@JelleZijlstra This issue has been open since July. I just mean is someone in charge of assigning tasks to contributors for the black project.


Not expecting anything, just asking. If no one can tackle this, I'll close with "won't fix". Is that alright?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Oct 27 '22 23:10 adam-grant-hendry

Closing as a "won't fix".

adam-grant-hendry avatar Oct 27 '22 23:10 adam-grant-hendry

This is a fairly hard problem to solve and is shows up when black (or any python program) is captured/redirected in anyway; black | more on Windows has the same problem.

This snippet from sys.stdout doc says what's happening:

     On Windows, UTF-8 is used for the console device.  Non-character
     devices such as disk files and pipes use the system locale
     encoding (i.e. the ANSI codepage).  Non-console character
     devices such as NUL (i.e. where ``isatty()`` returns ``True``) use the
     value of the console input and output codepages at startup,
     respectively for stdin and stdout/stderr. This defaults to the
     system :term:`locale encoding` if the process is not initially attached
     to a console.

For anyone else hitting this problem, the only possible fix I have found is to set PYTHONUTF8=1 in the your/the users environment.

Is it worth adding this as a note in the docs somewhere perhaps?

ashb avatar Nov 03 '22 13:11 ashb

@ashb Thank you for looking at this and taking an interest. I appreciate you contributing your time.

In regards to the above, I have some remarks:

  1. Nearly all other packages, e.g. pycln, do not experience problems with emojis out-of-the-box and do not require users to set PYTHONUTF8=1. It could be that pycln sets this environment variable programmatically under the hood in its source code, possibly like so:
import os

if == 'nt':
   os.environ['PYTHONUTF8'] = 1

I mentioned pycln working out-of-the-box here:

If you are able and would like to, would you consider looking at packages like pycln that are working and see what they are doing in their source code? It would be best to use the same approach other working libraries are using.

  1. I would not agree that requiring users set an environment variable manually is a long-term solution. Instead, if setting this environment variable is actually the required fix, I believe it should be implemented in a PR.

If are able to identify that other packages set PYTHONUTF8 programmatically, would you be willing to submit a PR to implement this fix?

adam-grant-hendry avatar Nov 03 '22 14:11 adam-grant-hendry

@ashb I would also be willing to help you with a PR, should you need assistance. Please let me know if this is something you would like me to do.

adam-grant-hendry avatar Nov 03 '22 14:11 adam-grant-hendry

Great to see progress being made here! I'm happy to review a PR if that's the outcome.

JelleZijlstra avatar Nov 03 '22 14:11 JelleZijlstra

Sure I'll take a look at pycln and see what it does differently

ashb avatar Nov 03 '22 18:11 ashb

Here is how pycln fixes it:

Setting PYTHONUITF8 on a running process won't have any effect, the encoding of sys.std* is set very early on in the initalization of the python interpreter.

In #3374 I've done a similar fix to what pycln did. PTAL @JelleZijlstra

ashb avatar Nov 03 '22 21:11 ashb

@adam-grant-hendry That is an unhelpful comment. I understand your frustration, but leaving the comment serves no purpose but to annoy others.

ashb avatar Nov 04 '22 09:11 ashb

@adam-grant-hendry, man, don't be like that. Don't treat maintainers of an open-source project like they owe you anything. The license is pretty explicit about the reality of the situation. I don't like waving it in front of anybody's nose but it feels like you misunderstand your role.

The issue has been filed (thank you), and it's open until somebody with Windows will handle it. Maybe you? You can reproduce it and you clearly care about it.

So go and contribute. There's an open PR already. Check it out and confirm if it solves your problem. But definitely don't go and demand action, nor -- worse yet! -- second-guess integrity of the maintainers. That's no way to build long-term collaboration.

ambv avatar Nov 04 '22 13:11 ambv

@ashb @ambv You are right: my comment was rude and unhelpful.

@JelleZijlstra I'm sorry for what I said. I deleted my last comment and hope you will accept my apology. Thank you for maintaining black and offering to review. I am truly sorry for being rude; it was uncalled for.

adam-grant-hendry avatar Nov 04 '22 16:11 adam-grant-hendry