Alexander Sergeev

Results 55 comments of Alexander Sergeev

What is the progress?

I have a `html` file in my targets and would like to process it, save to file and extract images (`img` `src` tags) to separate directory. ```html ``` Solution, described...

@alexander-akait because image is referenced as `src` attribute of `img` tag in html, and not in CSS. As far as I know, one cannot set `src` via CSS. And I...

@alexander-akait I thought it would be easier to process the assets by extracting them from HTML files with html-loader. However you're right, if that's not possible I think I should...

> There's no built-in way to do so, but you can write a custom serializer that uses getters and setters of the delegates. > > Maybe we can implement `@SerializeByGetterAndSetter`...

> The problem with `open` vars is that if you override them, you get _two_ backing fields: in the parent and in the subclass (and subclass can't access parent field!)....

It is still an issue for Docker Compose v2, however the error message changed: For code line `ports: ${FIRST_VARIABLE}:${SECOND_VARIABLE}` it produces error: `error decoding 'Ports': Invalid containerPort: ${SECOND_VARIABLE}`. Docker compose...

Update: error appears for every variable in `ports` section, equally in cases: `- ${VARIABLE}`, `- 42:${VARIABLE}`, `- ${VARIABLE}:42` and `${FIRST_VARIABLE}:${SECOND_VARIABLE}`

Don't think that's an issue - I had one of those spikes recently, and it was caused by a repo I accidentally committed dependencies folder in. Internally this graph is...