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Language agnostic vim plugin for folding and motion based on indentation.

Results 13 vim-anyfold issues
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I usually make use of foldnestmax=2, more folding than that seems like an overkill to me (mostly Python code).'foldnestmax' So having vim-anyfold pick up that option, would be great...



Is it possible to configure it so that the line with the terminating brace `}` and/or blank lines gets included in the fold? If I have: ```cpp void f() {...

Currently, when using anyfold to fold away lists in a plain text files, any section headings in the file get confused as part of the list. For e.g., given ~~~...

Sometimes another foldexpr or related mappings might be useful. It would be nice to restore AnyFold after this. Previously, the double initialization guard in the #init function prevented in. This...

```vim " deprecated initialization using anyfold_activate variable " still works but echoes a warning au BufNewFile,BufRead * call anyfold#init(0) ``` First, this autocmd don't be included in an augroup, which...

```vim if g:anyfold_motion noremap ]] \ :call JumpFoldEnd(0,v:count1) noremap [[ \ :call JumpFoldStart(0,v:count1) noremap ]k \ :call JumpPrevFoldEnd(0,v:count1) ``` Why not use `anyfold#jumpfoldend` to replace ``? `` make it is...

I am using vim-anyfold with GitGutter plugin. `:GitGutterPreviewHunk` opens a pop window to view changes. But when `autocmd Filetype * AnyFoldActivate` is present in my vimrc, it throws the following...

![image]( ![image]( Compare the above images. The first is from vscode, the second from vim using anyfold. It's the same code, but there's one obvious difference: the folding. You see,...


Hi, I like this project. Just moved away from simpylfold. **BACKGROUND** I was wondering if something like _customization_ was possible using vim-anyfold. Please have a look at the two pictures...
