AnchorBot copied to clipboard
The more often you click a word in the headlines, the more interesting are your news.
A (prototype of a) simple learning news feed aggregator that works surprisingly well.
Note: I plan to redo this piece of software very soon.
While journalism is regarded as the fourth column the western society is standing on, the introduction of web 2.0 caused a disruption in the journalistic ecosystem. News are all over the place. Blogs, newspapers and broadcasting services mingle together in one web of relevant and irrelevant articles with a wide range of quality.
Reading news can be very frustrating today:
- Centristic shareholders influence framing and relevance decisions
- Social networks resonate echo chambers
- Style variety, ads and click-bait poison your attention
Anchorbot delivers. It additively merges several newsrooms into an automated personal one. It presents the news in a way that is easy to the senses and helps you to concentrate on the important things, not the loudest. You decide upon the relevance of headlines.
- Subscribe to RSS and ATOM feeds
- Scrape full text and embedded media from articles (similar to Instapaper and Readability)
- Highlight selected keyword, the first and last sentence in paragraphs
- Bot and interface run on local machine. No trust on cloud services required.
Missing features
- User friendly UI for managing feeds and keywords and stopping the program
- Display article author
- Android app
- reactive web interface
- an installed Python 2
- a running Redis service
- probably Linux (nothing else tested)
Run the following as root:
pip2 install justext Pillow redis_collections flask flask-markdown
git clone
cd AnchorBot
This command assumes that pip2
is pip for Python 2.
From here continue with Usage.
1. Run the bot
2. Add subscriptions
Add urls to ~/.config/anchorbot/config
3. Start reading
./ & firefox
4. Stop
Currently not implemented! Try to kill all the anchorbot jobs:
pkill -f
pkill -f
pkill -f